Learn more leadership, motivation, and influence Saturday!
This Saturday, August 23, 10am-5pm, I’ll lead a seminar with General Assembly on leadership in New York City. Register here, you’ll be glad you did. This is the seminar that led to this testimonial:
Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working on my team and used your technique. She teared up, saying, no one ever asked her these questions and she is so grateful that I am taking an approach to her work based on what she likes and wants to do. It also revealed some of her deep fears and it was quite profound.
Invaluable, thank you.
I felt terrific afterward—in that she felt great and also that I felt I could get more out of her. She is also a friend, so I was conscious that she now reports to me… but that really was entirely neutralized in this conversation. Great stuff.
Other attendees report incredible effectiveness from these techniques, creating loyalty and gratitude in people they lead and satisfaction for themselves. If you read my blog, you know my style is
- Simple, effective exercises
- Learn by doing
- Apply to your life
If you like that style, I hope to see you there. Please contact me if you have more questions.
Here is the announcement (they use short descriptions, for a fuller description, see this announcement from an earlier event):
Lead the Way: Effective Leadership Techniques

Joshua Spodek
Adjunct Professor at NYU-Poly
About This Workshop
You’ve ascended to a position of leadership, but how can you ensure that the people you are in charge of will be responsive to your leadership style? In this class, you’ll learn effective ways to motivate people in the context of business leadership. You’ll find out how to tap into your emotional awareness to show empathy, compassion, and understanding to engage people. Plus, you’ll discover how to motivate people in a way they find both rewarding and meaningful.
- Gain the ability to motivate people to work with dedication, passion, and loyalty.
- Create relationships and environments where you can motivate people.
- Be able to motivate yourself more effectively.
- Learn how to show and use empathy and compassion to engage the people you lead.
- Create meaning, value, importance, and purpose in your work and for the people you lead.
About the Instructor
Joshua Spodek Adjunct Professor at NYU-Poly
Joshua Spodek has co-founded several companies, coaches leadership for Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence, and is a professor at NYU. He has led seminars in leadership, creativity, sales, strategy, and motivation at Columbia Business School, Harvard Academy of Science, and in private corporations. Joshua holds five Ivy League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA. He also helped build an x-ray observational satellite for the European Space Agency and NASA.
His clients include graduates of Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Cornell, Princeton, Duke, Dartmouth, Penn, University of Chicago, Indian Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, Northwestern, Tufts, Vassar, Amherst, NYU, U.S. Naval Academy, and others.
He has been quoted and profiled by ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, Fox, UPN, NY1, CNN, CNN-International, WNYC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Chicago Sun-Times, New York Observer, New York Daily News, New York Post, Newsweek, Forbes, Worth, Esquire, The Guardian, Nikkei Shimbun, South China Morning Post, Taipei Times, Village Voice, Salon.com, and more.
Saturday, 23 August
10 am – 5 pm
GA New York City (Union Square)
41 Union Square West, FL 3 (enter at 22 East 17th Street, next to Chop’t Salad)
New York, NY 10003
Register here. I look forward to seeing you there.
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