Look who’s doing a sidcha: Mark Zuckerberg, running a mile a day this year
The founder and CEO of Facebook set a goal to run a mile every day of 2016.
Sounds like a sidcha to me!
Detractors claim he’s not running every day or the whole mile or that it’s too polluted to be safe. At least he stated the intent.
I hope he keeps it up. Since he says he’s only doing it for the year, learning the concept of a sidcha will help him start another when he’s done running so he can keep up a sidcha practice even if he stops running.
Here he is running in Beijing:
What’s your sidcha?
EDIT: A reader responded “He better not miss a day, then he could miss two.”
It turns out that he responded to someone pointing out that 2016, being a leap year, has 366 days and he said he would run 365 days this year, “We can take a day off.”
I would suggest otherwise. I’ve found this dictum motivates and simplifies:
If you miss one day, you can miss two. If you miss two, it’s all over.
It’s his life and he probably has personal trainers he pays to motivate him, but why rob yourself of developing as a person? Money doesn’t change that it feels good to grow.
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