My last electric bill?

July 21, 2023 by Joshua
in Leadership, Nature

I posted last week At last, I dropped my electrical utility account.

They sent me this bill off-sequence for a smaller amount than usual. Might it be my last electric bill ever?

I don’t know how far I should extrapolate. I’m sure life will change in ways I can’t predict, maybe necessitating reconnecting to the grid. For now, at least, I’m enjoying the freedom, fun, and discovery of keeping my apartment disconnected from the electric grid.

I could have disconnected years, maybe decades ago, though I’m not sure when portable batteries and solar panels made it this easy. Well, they’re here now so others can do it too.

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2 responses on “My last electric bill?

  1. Pingback: Three months: I haven’t received an electric bill since July 6 » Joshua Spodek

  2. Pingback: My Second Winter Solstice: Over 1.5 Years Unplugged From the Electric Grid (and counting). More freedom than ever. » Joshua Spodek

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