My New York Academy of Sciences Seminar

April 5 and 7, 6-10pm at the New York Academy of Sciences I will be giving my seminar on Leadership and Personal Success — the best seminar you’ll ever attend. It’s similar to the leadership seminar at Columbia Business School in December, but more science-y and less business-y.

Here’s the background from the NYAS web page (where you can register):

Leadership and personal success through self-awareness and emotional intelligence are popular pursuits outside the scientific community—for example, in business, sports, politics, etc. But why not in science? In part because their literature has shaky and often non- or even anti-scientific foundations. If the practices work, though, they are repeatable and amenable to study. Shouldn’t we scientists should be able to understand and apply the material better?

This two-session course examines and teaches these pursuits from the perspective of scientific fields such as cognitive behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and positive psychology, respecting nature and avoiding unscientific perspectives. The presenter is a PhD scientist and successful entrepreneur and coach. He brings a new perspective to those fields, showing how a scientific approach can improve leadership and professional and personal success.

The fields are fundamentally experiential so the course involves simple exercises to increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership.

Benefits of the course include improved:

  1. Personal leadership skills, particularly self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  2. Interpersonal skills like decision making, negotiation, perceiving others, influence, motivating others, and teamwork
  3. Ability to transform great challenges into professional and personal growth
  4. Awareness of your values and what brings you meaning, purpose, importance, and happiness, both professionally and personally
  5. Focus on what is important, professionally and personally, decreasing time and resources wasted on unimportant things
  6. Ability to experience reward from your efforts
  7. Calmness, patience, and understanding

You will leave the course with tools to continue your development on your own as well as a network of like-minded people, both as resources and for accountability. The course also makes all other leadership resources—books, videos, seminars, etc—more valuable through better understanding their foundations.


  • Day One: Tuesday, April 5, 6-10pm
  • Day Two: Thursday, April 7, 6-10pm

My awesome bio on that page (where you can register):

Joshua Spodek, PhD, MBA

Joshua Spodek (PhD ’00, Physics, Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, MBA ’06 Columbia Business School), after helping assemble an x-ray observational satellite launched by the European Space Agency and researching supernova remnants, became an entrepreneur with several patents and start-ups. He is now an executive / personal coach working with Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence. Joshua helps clients develop effective leadership skills and optimize their professional and personal lives by helping them understand what brings them meaning and happiness and acting on it. He has been quoted and profiled in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Fortune, CNN, and the major broadcast networks. Esquire Magazine named him “Best and Brightest” in their annual Genius issue.

Here is a pdf of the announcement: 2011.04.05_Leadership_and_Personal_Success with Joshua Spodek.

Comment here or contact me if you want to know more. Feel free to spread the word!

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