Search Results for: farm

on July 14, 2021 in

Sustainability: If You’re Not Patagonia . . . You’re Exxon Today’s top talent won’t work for you, buy from you, or tell their friends about you. Instead, they’ll attack you. I have a way forward. If you have or want customers, employees, shareholders, or media attention, sustainability matters, especially to top talent, especially talent younger than 35. They were born into a dumpster fire of an environment. Damn right, they’re[…] Keep reading →

Jane O’Sullivan

on July 5, 2021 in Podcast

Jane in an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Queensland Growing up in regional Australia, Jane O’Sullivan became aware of the environmental strains caused by human activity, and the limits that the environment would place on the human enterprise. She gained her PhD in Agricultural Science at the University of Melbourne, and undertook postdoctoral research in the UK at the University of Durham and the John Innes Institute. In[…] Keep reading →

How Close Are We To July 4th, 1775?

on July 4, 2021 in Freedom, Nature

When I describe how I take two years to fill a load a garbage in part by buying fresh farmers market produce, I’m usually talking to people who can afford more than I can. They eat out, order takeout, buy bottled water, and eat a lot of meat without worry. Still, they say farmers markets cost more. When I tell them I pay less than the average American on food,[…] Keep reading →

482: Florida’s Condo Collapse, Doom Psychology, and Our Environment

on July 1, 2021 in Podcast

Here is the article prompting this episode: Majority of Florida condo board quit in 2019 as squabbling residents dragged out plans for repairs Here are the notes I read from: Read article about collapse and will read some parts. Everyone has long viewed Titanic as metaphor for man’s hubris over nature. But long enough ago we dismiss. Scale is off. We believe we’re passed those problems from another age. Listen[…] Keep reading →

482: Florida’s Condo Collapse, Doom Psychology, and Our Environment

on July 1, 2021 in Podcast

Here is the article prompting this episode: Majority of Florida condo board quit in 2019 as squabbling residents dragged out plans for repairs Here are the notes I read from: Read article about collapse and will read some parts. Everyone has long viewed Titanic as metaphor for man’s hubris over nature. But long enough ago we dismiss. Scale is off. We believe we’re passed those problems from another age. Listen[…] Keep reading →

How Much Space You Take Up Is Irrelevant

on June 29, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

“Everyone could fit in Texas with room to spare,” people naively say, as if it was the relevant measure. Sadly, some who hear them don’t realize that a person needs a lot more space than just their person. They need farmland to grow their food, water to process their waste, and so on. When you factor all those things in, we need more space than exists on Earth. One big[…] Keep reading →

Forrest Galante

on June 25, 2021 in Podcast

Forrest Galante was born on March 31st, 1988 in California, but within the first few months of his life moved to Harare, Zimbabwe. He grew up on a productive farm that cultivated luxury alstroemeria flowers, various fruits and was home to a myriad of livestock and wild African animals. As a child, Galante’s favorite pastimes included catching snakes, fishing in the dam, breeding guinea pigs and playing rugby. When he[…] Keep reading →

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