Search Results for: farm

The scams that keep us from solving our environmental problems

on June 17, 2021 in Models, Nature

The greenhouse effect was front page news in the 1980s and known long before. Plus plastic, mercury, deforestation, extinctions, and you’ve read the front page. You know the problems. We don’t just not act. We tell ourselves lies that we’ll solve the problem. We’ve told ourselves lie after lie, scam after scam, to keep from changing our behavior. The Scams The following are all scams that delay acting. None of[…] Keep reading →

Memorial Day Glory in Greenwich Village

on May 31, 2021 in Fitness, Stories

Yesterday, walking south along the Hudson River, I saw a guy running sprints on a pier. The temperature hovered around 50F (10C). It had rained on and off all day and was raining then. He was alone, running sprints in the rain. I call that commitment where no one would know if you didn’t glorious. I was out on my daily walk to pick up litter. I was taking a[…] Keep reading →

466: Shaun Donovan: New York City Mayoral Candidate

on May 29, 2021 in Podcast

Shaun Donovan is running for Mayor of New York City. Technically not a national or global position, but in practice it is. Many call it the second hardest job in America. Most New York City mayors affect the nation and world. With a city this size, there are many issues. I focus on two: leadership, which means character and social and emotional skills, and sustainability. Regarding leadership, character, and what[…] Keep reading →

466: Shaun Donovan: New York City Mayoral Candidate

on May 29, 2021 in Podcast

Shaun Donovan is running for Mayor of New York City. Technically not a national or global position, but in practice it is. Many call it the second hardest job in America. Most New York City mayors affect the nation and world. With a city this size, there are many issues. I focus on two: leadership, which means character and social and emotional skills, and sustainability. Regarding leadership, character, and what[…] Keep reading →

Dominion, the documentary

on May 23, 2021 in Art, Freedom, Nature, Stories

I watched the documentary Dominion on how the factory farm system treats animals. It’s brutal but important. It shows many graphic scenes so I know the link below won’t play inline, but the producers made it freely available. Click through to watch it online. I recommend watching Dominion when you’re ready for a sobering gut-punch you’ll wish you had watched earlier. Why I recommend it I last ate meat in[…] Keep reading →

461: 24 Hours With No Electrical Power (After)

on May 16, 2021 in Podcast

My notes I read from: What I did Kathryn Garcia in Washington Square Park Farmers market (compost, oregano) Ride to Brooklyn Grain de Sail sail boat Visit with friend Calisthenics by candlelight Wake up, no clock Think, reflect, calm Meet to pick up garbage Notes on no power 29 to 30 hours since recording last episode, 26 with circuit breaker for apartment disconnected Less of a big deal than I[…] Keep reading →

461: 24 Hours With No Electrical Power (After)

on May 16, 2021 in Podcast

My notes I read from: What I did Kathryn Garcia in Washington Square Park Farmers market (compost, oregano) Ride to Brooklyn Grain de Sail sail boat Visit with friend Calisthenics by candlelight Wake up, no clock Think, reflect, calm Meet to pick up garbage Notes on no power 29 to 30 hours since recording last episode, 26 with circuit breaker for apartment disconnected Less of a big deal than I[…] Keep reading →

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