Search Results for: project based learning

More education doesn’t make you less capable, but universities make you think so

on September 5, 2015 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Perception

Academia has some serious problems. I give a lot of talks to graduate students on what they can do after graduate school, though the following applies to undergraduates too. Many of them are worried about finding jobs. I grab their attention every time with this question: When I was getting my PhD in physics, I thought the only fields I could go into were academia to become a professor, industry[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 5

on July 24, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 4

on July 23, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 2

on July 21, 2015 in Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Institute Reflections

on July 20, 2015 in Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Student feedback on my leadership class

on June 8, 2015 in Education, Leadership

I asked the students from my leadership class for undergraduates at NYU last semester for the three top things they learned, the three things they valued most, and the three things they’d improve. The responses were all anonymous. I collected the information to know what to keep and what to improve for next year. Some parts might not make sense if you weren’t in the class, but I thought I’d[…] Keep reading →

How lecturing is the opposite of how we learn

on May 1, 2015 in Education

Think of a big lesson you learned. Think of all the big life lessons you learned. Rarely do big life lessons come from someone telling you the answer. You learn them from experience. I suspect you’re like me, in that you go through life, constantly learning, constantly refining your understanding of the world. If so, you understand the world based on your experience. You develop a philosophy and how to[…] Keep reading →

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