Search Results for: population

521: Blake Haxton, part 2: Teamwork is crucial. How to solve that we’re divided

on October 20, 2021 in Podcast

I loved Blake and my conversation so much, I’m releasing our first two conversations back to back. Also, our first one didn’t reach to The Spodek Method, so he hadn’t taken on a commitment based on his environmental values, so we recorded a week later instead of having to wait for him to finish the commitment. He takes on a commitment in this episode, so he’ll come back a third[…] Keep reading →

521: Blake Haxton, part 2: Teamwork is crucial. How to solve that we’re divided

on October 20, 2021 in Podcast

I loved Blake and my conversation so much, I’m releasing our first two conversations back to back. Also, our first one didn’t reach to The Spodek Method, so he hadn’t taken on a commitment based on his environmental values, so we recorded a week later instead of having to wait for him to finish the commitment. He takes on a commitment in this episode, so he’ll come back a third[…] Keep reading →

National Geographic wants you to pay to exploit, plunder, and destroy Earth’s beauty and cultures, co-opting ecologists

on October 18, 2021 in Nature

Two days ago I posted my conclusions from talking to the Chief Engineer of an electric plane company, Terik Weekes. The laws of physics dictate that without fossil fuels and a with population that needs land for food more than bio jet fuel, we won’t be able to fly across oceans. (Read more in my post Prepare yourself that you will soon be unable to fly across an ocean​.) Last[…] Keep reading →

Prepare yourself that you will soon be unable to fly across an ocean

on October 16, 2021 in Creativity, Nature

My recent conversation with the Chief Engineer, Terik Weekes, of an award-winning electric and hybrid plane company led me to conclude that soon almost no flights will take people across the Atlantic and maybe none will cross the Pacific. He knows the state of the art as well as anyone. Listen to the episode to conclude for yourself, but I concluded the following. Electric planes fly now. Many of us,[…] Keep reading →

In One Chart: How America Can Influence the World on Sustainability and Why It Can’t Now

on October 10, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

The chart below on the left shows why America can’t lead anyone on sustainability. People mistakenly believe America can influence others on sustainability. Why do they think so? Maybe because of our large GDP, military, or population, since they enable us to influence in other areas, but they don’t help here. Note our average per capita emissions almost five times the world average, nearly ten times mine, and ten times[…] Keep reading →

Robert McNamara and Geoengineering

on October 6, 2021 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership

Following up my podcast episode 516: Geoengineering: Prologue or Epilogue for Humanity?, I rewatched the documentary The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. The movie is fascinating, relevant, and poignant to our geoengineering question, particularly Robert McNamara’s approach to major decisions he played major roles in. The big ones were firebombing Japanese cities in World War II, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and escalating the[…] Keep reading →

2021 Nobel Prize in Physics: Climate Science and my response

on October 5, 2021 in Education, Leadership, Nature

Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021: 5 October 2021 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems” with one half jointly to Syukuro ManabePrinceton University, USA Klaus HasselmannMax Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming” and the[…] Keep reading →

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