Search Results for: population

Buzzfeed’s privilege “calculator”: How I Did

on November 21, 2021 in Awareness, Perception

Maybe you’re one of the over four million people who have seen Buzzfeed’s video illustrating how society affects us by having people step forward or backward based on their experience: I don’t know what credence anyone gives the questionnaire, but I copied it from the YouTube page and answered it. Some answers I wasn’t sure about, but tried to answer as honestly as I could. My Rating If I calculate[…] Keep reading →

529: Katie Redford, part 2: No distractions. Keeping oil in the ground.

on November 15, 2021 in Podcast

I see exactly two highest priorities for material goals to restore Earth’s ability to sustain life. One is keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Down there it’s safe. Above ground, it’s poison and deadly. However clear and straightforward, almost no one focuses on this simple, effective, attainable goal. Katie does. Our first conversation was just starting when we had to stop. We mostly talked that time about her past, groundbreaking[…] Keep reading →

529: Katie Redford, part 2: No distractions. Keeping oil in the ground.

on November 15, 2021 in Podcast

I see exactly two highest priorities for material goals to restore Earth’s ability to sustain life. One is keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Down there it’s safe. Above ground, it’s poison and deadly. However clear and straightforward, almost no one focuses on this simple, effective, attainable goal. Katie does. Our first conversation was just starting when we had to stop. We mostly talked that time about her past, groundbreaking[…] Keep reading →

Why everything will collapse (someone else’s video)

on November 12, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

I rarely post other people’s content as the main part of my blog, but this video put together a lot of what is predicted to happen the way a few generations ago people predicted global warming and sea level rise. People doubted it not for disagreeing with the observations and predictions but because they didn’t want to believe. It made them feel bad. The global economy and human population collapse,[…] Keep reading →

Is Capitalism Driving Our Environmental Problems?

on November 8, 2021 in Models, Nature

I see a strong sentiment, especially among youth, of capitalism being the source of our environmental problems. I’m not sure if everyone agrees on what capitalism means. On the scale of the myriad ways thousands of human cultures have lived over hundreds of thousands of years, communism and socialism are pretty close to capitalism, compared to say, how hunting and gathering societies lived. I think most Americans can’t imagine an[…] Keep reading →

The environment has losing stories.

on October 26, 2021 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

When myths and stories contradict, the ones that persist aren’t the ones that are right. The ones that people remember and share persist. I’m writing about it after reading this quote from E. O. Wilson: Creation stories gave the members of each tribe an explanation for their existence. It made them feel loved and protected above all other tribes. In return, their gods demanded absolute belief and obedience. And rightly[…] Keep reading →

Renewables are less renewable than we thought. That’s the starting point.

on October 22, 2021 in Nature

The more I learn about renewables, the more I find they rely on fossil fuels more than I thought. They don’t seem that renewable and relying on false promises looks like it’s leading us to delay acting, as we have for a centure. I wrote about all the scams we fall for. Desiring as we are to find ways to keep society intact, we want technologies like hydrogen energy storage[…] Keep reading →

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