Search Results for: farm

236: My environmental role models

on October 22, 2019 in Podcast

Here is the text I read from for this post, but I would just listen to the recording. My environmental role models Why my role models? Because people keep saying what I do is inaccessible. That it’s too much or extreme. That they need to balance. Well everyone believes they’re balanced. I have to balance too. My difference is that I keep moving toward my values. Instead of letting Americans,[…] Keep reading →

Update on my vegetable overload

on October 20, 2019 in Nature

I invited readers to come over for some of my famous no-packaging vegetable stew the other day since I was overloaded with vegetables from my CSAs. The invitation worked. Two weeks ago, I hosted people for six meals. This week so far I’ve hosted five with two more before the week ends when I pick up my next CSA vegetables Tuesday evening. That will make 13 meals for others in[…] Keep reading →

234: A shift, not a crisis

on October 19, 2019 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from to make this episode, sometimes diverging from them. Why I don’t call our environmental situation a crisis. People think scientists will solve something or engineers will create a solution and we can go back to before. We will never return to this lifestyle, which, by the way, is a tremendous advance if you value happiness, stewardship, enjoying what you have, and compassion over[…] Keep reading →

234: A shift, not a crisis

on October 19, 2019 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from to make this episode, sometimes diverging from them. Why I don’t call our environmental situation a crisis. People think scientists will solve something or engineers will create a solution and we can go back to before. We will never return to this lifestyle, which, by the way, is a tremendous advance if you value happiness, stewardship, enjoying what you have, and compassion over[…] Keep reading →


on October 11, 2019 in Blog

I will suscribe to nearby farms vegetable baskets to only have seasonal and local veggies

229: How might future generations view us?

on October 11, 2019 in Podcast

I believe many people believe we live in an age of wonder and that people from any other time would envy us. I believe future generations will not look at our flying and pollution not with envy but with horror, as we look at slave holders and people who didn’t resist Hitler. The sooner we get that into our thick skulls, the sooner we’ll enjoy life with less craving, excuses[…] Keep reading →

229: How might future generations view us?

on October 11, 2019 in Podcast

I believe many people believe we live in an age of wonder and that people from any other time would envy us. I believe future generations will not look at our flying and pollution not with envy but with horror, as we look at slave holders and people who didn’t resist Hitler. The sooner we get that into our thick skulls, the sooner we’ll enjoy life with less craving, excuses[…] Keep reading →

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