Search Results for: farm

Examples of “tastes good” versus “want more”

on October 7, 2019 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Perception, SIDCHAs

I’ve written on the difference in sensation between something tasting good versus making you feel like you want more of it (see “Want to eat more” and “tastes good” aren’t the same feeling). I also spoke about them as a podcast guest in Tastes Good versus Want More, explored in depth. The difference, briefly: when you bite into a fruit you love, say an apple, it tastes good and you[…] Keep reading →

222: Why Eat Insects?

on September 21, 2019 in Podcast

Between insects, kelp, vertical farming, lab-grown meat, and other clever options, why didn’t we think of them before? Because we had better options! Few meat eaters choose crickets over steaks and hamburgers, but we’ve squandered what was once plenty with overpopulation. We’ve become more efficient, but we’ve lost abundance. With a lower population we could keep abundance.

222: Why Eat Insects?

on September 21, 2019 in Podcast

Between insects, kelp, vertical farming, lab-grown meat, and other clever options, why didn’t we think of them before? Because we had better options! Few meat eaters choose crickets over steaks and hamburgers, but we’ve squandered what was once plenty with overpopulation. We’ve become more efficient, but we’ve lost abundance. With a lower population we could keep abundance.

217: Adam Quiney, part 1: Leadership for the Smartest Person in the Room

on September 13, 2019 in Podcast

Adam studies brilliant people and leadership. There are many leadership coaches and researchers. If you like me and my way of doing things, which is geeky, you might be geeky yourself. You probably like leadership too. We get to his research results about halfway through the conversation. He focuses on helping people like you and me understand and improve leadership. In this conversation we focus on blind spots, among other[…] Keep reading →

217: Adam Quiney, part 1: Leadership for the Smartest Person in the Room

on September 13, 2019 in Podcast

Adam studies brilliant people and leadership. There are many leadership coaches and researchers. If you like me and my way of doing things, which is geeky, you might be geeky yourself. You probably like leadership too. We get to his research results about halfway through the conversation. He focuses on helping people like you and me understand and improve leadership. In this conversation we focus on blind spots, among other[…] Keep reading →

Avoiding food packaging

on August 21, 2019 in Nature

In the fall of 2014, I noticed a lot of my garbage came from food packaging. I don’t like when people pollute my world, so I try to avoid polluting theirs. I thought of an experiment: to try to go one week without buying any food where I’d have to throw away food packaging. For six months I planned and thought about doing it until one day I realized all[…] Keep reading →

Where to buy the best food around New York City

on July 21, 2019 in Fitness, Nature

Anyone who eats food I cook hears me unable to contain how much I love it. I probably eat to more satisfaction than anyone I know. I feel full, even stuffed, after every meal, yet I eat fewer calories. My food tastes sweeter than ever, yet I eat less sugar. I pay less than ever for my food. The source? My three CSAs and my food coop. They are the[…] Keep reading →

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