Examples of “tastes good” versus “want more”

October 7, 2019 by Joshua
in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Perception, SIDCHAs

I’ve written on the difference in sensation between something tasting good versus making you feel like you want more of it (see “Want to eat more” and “tastes good” aren’t the same feeling). I also spoke about them as a podcast guest in Tastes Good versus Want More, explored in depth.

The difference, briefly: when you bite into a fruit you love, say an apple, it tastes good and you want more. Yet rarely do I eat two apples in a row. The second apple tastes as good as the first, but the sensation of wanting more decreases.


By contrast, when I bite into a potato chip, it tastes good and I want more. But a few chips in, the feeling of their tasting good goes away, whereas I still want more.

Our culture is developing more want more because it’s profitable and moving away from tastes good. It’s close to the difference between craving and satisfaction.

I’ve been developing a list of contrasting examples of the two sensations. I recommend familiarizing yourself with each to keep your life from becoming passive and draining. And to keep organizations more interested in their profits than your well-being from influencing you.


Want MoreTastes Good
Junk food and engineered foodFruits and vegetables
Flying everywhereExploring where you are
Fast fashionBuying less
Opioids and addictive drugsCommunity
Sugar, salt, fatNuanced, rich, complex flavors
Daily newsReflection
Take-outHome cooking
Packaged foodFarmers markets and CSAs
TVExercise or community
DramaRealistic representations of people and relationships
GamblingActive hobbies
Video gamesHobbies and sports

I oversimplified, since some video games probably contain lots of tastes good.


What results from tastes good activities versus want more ones?

Tastes good resultsWant more results
FulfillmentChasing your tail
Independence and teamworkDependence
Self-determinationBeing a pet or tool
Being healthyChasing health or following health claims
Less stuffMore waste
Supporting othersFocusing on yourself

Identifying the different sensations can transform your life.

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2 responses on “Examples of “tastes good” versus “want more”

  1. Pingback: Science discovering “tastes good” versus “wanting more” » Joshua Spodek

  2. Pingback: How We Reached Our Environmental Predicament so We Can Take Responsibility » Joshua Spodek

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