Search Results for: farm

Reflections on 48 years

on July 20, 2019 in Fitness

Today is the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing, the 75th anniversary of the closest to successful attempt to assassinate Hitler, and the 48th anniversary of me. As my mom likes to remind me: 9 pounds 8 ounces in sweltering summer heat. At near the halfway point, some reflections. I don’t feel older Five or ten years ago I found the quote “Inside every old person is a young[…] Keep reading →

199: Be Fruitful and Multiply: What Does It Mean? transcript

on July 10, 2019 in Podcast

I’ve learned in leading that you can lead people best when you meet them where they are. That means speaking their language and understanding their perspective. Many people I talk to take their cues from the Bible, including guidance on how to act regarding the environment. Among them, the term stewardship plays a key role. A steward is one who manages another’s property, finances, or other affairs. Everyone views and[…] Keep reading →

The joy of (not) flying, a poem

on July 3, 2019 in Blog

I don’t remember the last time I wrote a poem. A group I spoke to recently gave me a book of poems on the environment, pictured below, and I didn’t have the presence of mind to decline it, as I try to with most material gifts. Reading it led me to think in poetry, or to try to express myself with it. I’d feel vulnerable sharing with the public something[…] Keep reading →

189: Nadya Zhexembayeva, part 1: Sustainability is not enough

on June 17, 2019 in Podcast

Nadya and I mostly talk about business and sustainability. She describes what she saw growing up in the dissolution of Kazakhstan, where she saw the opposite of sustainability. I can’t describe what she saw, but you’ll hear the craziness of collusion, economic collapse, political collapse, and so on. She talks about how business works best when sustainable. I tend to agree. Tangential to what Nadya and I covered, when companies[…] Keep reading →

189: Nadya Zhexembayeva, part 1: Sustainability is not enough

on June 17, 2019 in Podcast

Nadya and I mostly talk about business and sustainability. She describes what she saw growing up in the dissolution of Kazakhstan, where she saw the opposite of sustainability. I can’t describe what she saw, but you’ll hear the craziness of collusion, economic collapse, political collapse, and so on. She talks about how business works best when sustainable. I tend to agree. Tangential to what Nadya and I covered, when companies[…] Keep reading →

Kicking the flying habit, which keeps you from family and income

on June 7, 2019 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits, Nature, Nonjudgment

In an online thread with people insisting that they have no choice but to fly for family and work reasons, I wrote the following, which I’m sure some will disagree with. I’m learning too, though I hope to help people looking to find joy in polluting less. One flight will brings people closer. Flying in general led them to move far apart so they felt they needed to fly to[…] Keep reading →

No Willpower Needed: Once indulgent foods that now disgust me and the healthy foods I love more

on May 30, 2019 in Blog

People keep reacting to my diet with, “Wow, you’re so disciplined,” as if it takes willpower to eat as I do. You know what took willpower? When I always had a container of ice cream in my freezer and potato chips, pretzels, or both in my cupboard. Not eating them took mental work that distracted me from everything else. The longer I eat like this: the more I love vegetables[…] Keep reading →

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