Search Results for: glory

Dan Walsh

on June 20, 2023 in Podcast

Daniel Michael Walsh was born in Norwalk, Connecticut to Jim and Dana Walsh of Brooklyn, New York. The youngest of four children by nine years, Dan grew up entertaining himself with TV, comic books and video games. Sports were not of interest to young, skinny Danny Walsh. He was a mediocre athlete and became a typical “kid on the couch.” It wasn’t until the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games where he[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: May 28, 2023

on May 28, 2023 in Tips

I read and watched this week: King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild, a podcast guest: I’d meant to read Adam’s book since I loved Bury the Chains and learned this book was bigger. Recently reading Heart of Darkness led to me King Leopold’s Ghost. Both books talked about imperialism, colonialism, and slavery in the Congo. Conrad’s book was fiction you[…] Keep reading →

OMG this butternut squash was amazing! . . . Why connecting to nature connects to people and motivates saving both

on December 23, 2022 in Nature

I wish I could put into words how delicious this squash is. Most people seem to think of squash as something you have to cook, but they taste sweet and delicious raw. As you can see, I dice them to put on cereal like any other fruit. One thing making this one so special is that it was given to me from the crew who grew it at Drew Gardens[…] Keep reading →

My first bike-camping trip since 1988

on September 4, 2022 in Fitness, Nature, Stories, Visualization

Longtime readers know one of the highlights of my summer is visiting the farm providing my summer and fall CSA vegetables, Stoneledge Farm. Since the pandemic, they haven’t chartered a bus for us in the city without cars. I’ve been biking more, including two overnight rides to Philadelphia, each 125 miles over two days. They were fundraisers and, since my group raised the most funds, I ended up getting free[…] Keep reading →

608: Parents Just Don’t Understand

on July 17, 2022 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: Yesterday my mom suggested I move away from the city if it makes me feel so bad. Last week my dad reaffirmed that he wouldn’t appear on the podcast without some vague conditions he was using my invitation to cajole me into. To move away from the problem is exactly the opposite of my mission. Nearly everyone else identifies my work as helping[…] Keep reading →

608: Parents Just Don’t Understand

on July 17, 2022 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: Yesterday my mom suggested I move away from the city if it makes me feel so bad. Last week my dad reaffirmed that he wouldn’t appear on the podcast without some vague conditions he was using my invitation to cajole me into. To move away from the problem is exactly the opposite of my mission. Nearly everyone else identifies my work as helping[…] Keep reading →

585: Douglas McMaster, part 2: If a restaurant can run with no trash, we can too

on May 27, 2022 in Podcast

When a man who founded a restaurant that uses no trash cans meets a guy who doesn’t fly and hasn’t filled a load of trash since 2019, we start by expressing mutual appreciation. Anyone can do these things. It’s a matter of doing it. Doing it leads to experiencing similar challenges and overcoming them, facing similar resistance from people saying it’s impossible, and enjoying similar feelings of reward at living[…] Keep reading →

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