Search Results for: growthbusters

Wall of Fame Honors in Growth Bias Busted

on August 4, 2017 in Awareness, Nature

I can’t believe it’s not obvious to everyone that driving the problems of pollution, global warming, resource depletion, extinctions, conflict over resources, pestilence, and related issues is overpopulation. It’s not the only issue, but it’s one of the main drivers. Maybe the main one. People have a weird knee-jerk response to think the opposite of overpopulation is eugenics, Nazism, killing, giving up modernity, returning to living in caves, economic collapse[…] Keep reading →

My podcast interviews and reviews

on July 17, 2017 in Audio, Podcast

This page is a work in progress, collecting the podcasts that have interviewed me plus links and my reviews of each of the podcasts. Join Up Dots with David Ralph The recordings: “A Man Who Thrives One Step After Anxiety,” January 2015 “Finding Passion Through Leadership,” February 6, 2017 My review of the podcast: Dave is a master I’ve had the honor and pleasure of David interviewing me twice and[…] Keep reading →


on April 20, 2011 in

TEDx Don’t Call Doof Food: systemic change begins with personal change, TEDxCowes, November 4, 2021 People don’t want to do small things. They want to do meaningful things., TEDxConnecticutCollege, February 29, 2020 What Everyone Gets Wrong About the Environment, TEDxWaltham, October 5, 2019 Find Your Delicious, TEDxNYU, April 6, 2019 Mainstream Media The Village Sun, “The Spodek Method: Saving the planet and ourselves by not harming others,” July 6, 2024[…] Keep reading →

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