My podcast interviews and reviews
This page is a work in progress, collecting the podcasts that have interviewed me plus links and my reviews of each of the podcasts.
Join Up Dots with David Ralph
The recordings:
“A Man Who Thrives One Step After Anxiety,†January 2015
“Finding Passion Through Leadership,†February 6, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Dave is a master
I’ve had the honor and pleasure of David interviewing me twice and listening to more. I loved the first interview because he was funny, well-prepared, and personal. Some podcasters sound like they’re going through the motions. Dave loves what he does!
By the second interview, he had matured and developed yet more skills as an interviewer. He makes the guest feel comfortable to share, even vulnerabilities.
Princeton Tech Meetup podcast by Mathew Passy
The recording:
“How To Think and Act Entrepreneurially (even if you never have before),†May 12, 2016
My review of the podcast:
Professional and effective.
Mathew got the job done so I could focus on my talk. When I gave my talk at Princeton, Matthew took care of everything, even things I didn’t realize got done until after. He enabled me to speak calmly and confidently.
I recommend working with him if you broadcast or podcast.
Outlier Magazine with Ever Gonzalez
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek Interview–Finding Your Hudson River,†May 20, 2016
My review of the podcast:
Ever Gonzalez is friendly and professional
I’ve had the honor of Ever interviewing me and listening to many other of his interviews. He’s both friendly and professional, meaning you get to hear the person behind the marketing. He’s not there to promote himself but to learn about his guest, and to showcase the guest. It makes each episode interesting and engaging. You care because he cares, and because he chooses engaging guests.
The Unmistakable Creative podcast with Srinivas Rao
The recording:
“The Power of Experiential Learning,†June 2016
My review of the podcast:
Srini Rao is friendly, cares, and it shows in every interview
I’ve had the honor and privilege of Srini interviewing me, as well as reading his books and becoming friends. Unlike some podcasters, he’s there for the guest and audience, not just himself. He makes you comfortable sharing, thinking, and revealing what you care about, even vulnerabilities. That’s talent, experience, and caring about others.
The Art of Authenticity with Laura Coe
The recordings:
“Leadership, Meaning, Passion,†July 26, 2016
“Joshua Spodek: Becoming The Person Others Follow,†February 14, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Laura embodies the art of authenticity
Laura cares about her audience and guests, which is clear from every episode. Few podcasters exhibit such empathy, listening, genuineness, authenticity, and openness. Other podcasters wish they had her skills in finding interesting guests, making them feel comfortable, and engaging them so you want to listen.
Laura is one of the great interviewers and will only keep ascending.
Success Through Failure with Jim Harshaw
The recordings:
“Josh Spodek on the Four Steps to Real Leadership (and what’s missing from most leadership training),†July 31, 2016
“Absurdly Useful Leadership Tactics That You Can Use Today,†March 26, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jim reveals how success happens
Jim is the salt of the earth—rare for someone who has succeeded as he has, which means he’s felt the sting of failure too, and learned from it. Even while putting his guest in the foreground, he shows through as an experienced interviewer, businessman, athlete, coach, and well-rounded person. His passion is to enable listeners to learn how to succeed from people who actually have succeeded and his experience in life and podcasting led him to excel at it.
The Better Human podcast
The recording:
“Self-Imposed Daily Healthy Activity – SIDCHA with Joshua Spodek,†September 7, 2016
My review of the podcast:
David finds and shares the underlying simplicity
So many people and podcasters prefer showing themselves off to enabling a guest to share his or her story with an audience. With David, there’s no clutter. It’s just him talking with a guest, openly, simply, honestly, which makes the conversation engaging and personal.
Other interviewers could learn from him.
The Eternal Leader podcast with John Ramstead
The recording:
“Experiential Leadership: A New Paradigm,†December 30, 2016
My review of the podcast:
John speaks and interviews with experience
John has experienced more than most, and he’s interviewed more than most. He speaks with experience, listens with sensitivity, and asks with curiosity. As a result, it’s one of the top podcasts to meet thought leaders and action leaders—really to meet them and learn their values and what makes them effective so you can learn from them.
The Boss Level podcast with Sami Honkonen
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek and Seven Years of Burpees,†January 17, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Sami Honkonen: focus and quality
Sami gets interesting guests and has genuine, authentic conversations, not just running down a list of questions. As a result, he gets intimacy and honesty from people you wish you could hear such openness from—generals, hackers, and more.
He interviews most people in person, face-to-face, which adds more openness. Sami gives what podcasts are for.
The Becoming Your Best podcast with Steve and Rob Shallenberger
The recording:
“The Passion of Leadership | An Interview with Joshua Spodek,†January 26, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Professional and valuable
I’ve had the honor and joy of Steve and Rob scheduling and interviewing me. They were professional and prepared, which makes being a guest easy, which makes it comfortable to share. They know their audience and they researched me, so I could just talk.
When I listen to other guests on their show, that preparation results in the guest speaking openly and sharing what he or she cares about, so I’ve seen how valuable that caring about the audience experience is from both sides. A great podcast to listen to to improve and to enjoy.
Write With Impact with Glenn Leibowitz
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek’s Strategy for Developing a Daily Writing Habit,†January 28, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Glenn cares and it shows
Many podcasters just want to show themselves off. Glenn is confident and secure. He shows his guests off in ways that help the audience, especially related to writing.
If you just want to be entertained, some other podcasts may do. If you also want to be engaged and to learn ways to improve from successful writers, listen to Glenn.
Impact Makers Radio with Stewart Andrew Alexander
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek, Founder,†January 30, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Stewart is a professional
Being interviewed by Stewart is a professional experience with professional results. He explained the process and walked me through it every step of the way. He made sure he understood me to create a meaningful message. If you want quality conversations with important people, listen to Impact Makers Radio. If he invites you to be interviewed, I recommend doing it.
The Leadership Podcast with Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos
The recording:
“What An Ivy League Degree Can’t Teach You,†February 1, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jan and Jim are engaging and thorough
The Leadership Podcast is well-named. That’s what they cover and they deliver. They aren’t there to show themselves off, though they interact with each other effectively. They are there to get top leaders to share about themselves so their listeners can learn from them. That’s what they do. If you want to improve as a leader, the Leadership Podcast will help you.
The C Method with Christina Canters
The recording:
“Authenticity, Leadership & Finding Your ‘One Thing’,†February 1, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Christina Canters will help you improve, and laugh
Christina shares her growth and gets her guests to too. I’m honored for her to have interviewed me and enjoyed how she made me feel comfortable to share vulnerabilities from my growth too. Her goal isn’t to show off, it’s to show the guest off for the value of her listeners. And for everyone to laugh about it. What better way to grow than having fun with people who are also growing?
Better Leaders Better Schools with Daniel Bauer
The recordings:
“Joshua Spodek: Great leaders aren’t superheroes,†February 8, 2017
“How Do I Live My Values,” October 20, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Education is life and Daniel Bauer helps you improve yours
While others podcast to meet people or show themselves off, Daniel Bauer is clearly there to improve our educational system by improving us as educators. He chooses interviewees who make a difference (I’m honored that he chose me) to share their experiences for listeners to learn from. His passion shows through and he engages his guests to share theirs. The experience is fun and enlightening. It builds community. It helps students. He cares. If you care about education, I recommend listening, learning, and acting on Better Leaders Better Schools.
Small Business Advocate
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek,†February 13, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jim Blasingame is a professional for professionals
If you’re a professional and you want to improve – to get promoted, to get funded, to take on more responsibility, to lead, and so on – you want a professional who knows your world and brings guests who do too. Jim Blasingame isn’t just a podcaster having fun. He’s a professional who values your time and rewards your investment with quality guests interviewed to share what made them successful so you can learn from them.
One Way Ticket Show
The recording:
“Josh’s one way ticket is back to this historic time in American history,†February 13, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Steven Shalowitz, his show, and his guests are unique and fascinating
Steven brings you world-class, intriguing guests with world-class experiences you almost never hear about otherwise, but he makes educational, engaging, and fun. You get to hear from global leaders from many spheres—their stories and the person behind the story. Steven also makes the stories fun and human. His One Way Ticket premise isn’t a gimmick, but an effective way for the guest to show through.
Mitch Henck Show
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek, Leadership Step by Step,†February 16, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[No place to post reviews, but I enjoyed the interview]
The Innovation Ecosystem podcast with Mark Bidwell
The recording:
“Benefits of Experiential Learning for Leaders with Rocket Scientist Joshua Spodek,†February 21, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Mark Bidwell is driven to help you lead better
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mark. One-on-one as well as interviewing his world-class guests, he is driven beyond just bringing you interesting conversation to helping you connect with his guests and learn from them. He has big corporate teams and small entrepreneurial ones. He’s innovated and he’s worked with bureaucracies. That experience comes through in making his guests comfortable to share vulnerabilities and experiences we can learn from.
Thrive Global livecast
The recording:
“What Great Leadership Looks Like,†February 22, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[No place to post reviews, but I enjoyed the interview, plus it’s a video, so check it out.]
Inc.’s The Playbook
The recording:
“How to Get Your Employees to Work With Passion,†February 23, 2017
Amacom’s Edgewise podcast with Dave Summers
The recording:
“Josh Spodek on the Steps to Leadership,†February 27, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Meet the authors: honestly, openly, directly
Meet the authors directly, with no agenda from the media. Here they can speak honestly and openly so you, the listener and reader, can hear them how they want to be heard.
Inipi Radio with Jared Angaza
The recording:
“Do the Thing,†February 27, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jared Angaza: beyond interviews
I’m honored to have been a guest of Jared. Most podcasters just interview. Jared connects with his guests, allowing them to share passions, vulnerabilities, dreams, hopes, and what most interviewers dream of achieving in an interview. If you want to meet the person behind the book or pubic persona, listen to Jared. His interviews are two friends talking about important things in life—things you wish people talked about more but don’t because it takes someone like Jared to bring them out.
The Stop Riding the Pine podcast with Jaime Jay
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek: Leadership Step by Step,†March 10, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jaime Jay gets off your butt and into life
Jaime Jay goes beyond bringing you active, interesting, accomplished people. He brings out in them what made them successful for you to connect with. Listing to Stop Riding the Pine takes you from listening to a podcast to acting on it in your life with confidence.
The Transformative Principal podcast with Jethro Jones
The recording:
“How You Learn Is As Important As What You Learn,†March 12, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jethro Jones is transforming educational leadership
Jethro Jones brings you more than transformative leadership principles and principals. He brings you the person behind what you read about. He cares about education and leadership, as do his guests, so you learn about the motivations and passions driving them. That’s what inspires you to act, not cold reporting of facts but warm, friendly, professional connections with people.
The Matt Townsend Show
The recording:
“Leadership Step by Step,†March 17, 2017 (click here to download)
My review of the podcast:
[I didn’t see a place to post reviews, but I enjoyed the interview, plus it was live radio, so check it out.]
The Engaging Leader podcast with Jesse Lahey
The recording:
“How to Find Your Authentic Voice,†March 17, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jesse Lahey is an engaging leader and brings you more
Jessy Lahey is himself an experienced engaging leader, so when he talks with others, he talks as a peer, which makes the conversations friendly and warm, not formal. He brings out the human behind the bestseller or public persona. It’s the conversations you wish you could have with world-class leaders.
A Fierce Focus with Ryan Ross
The recording:
“Sidcha to 90,000 burpees,†March 17, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[I didn’t see a place to post reviews, but I enjoyed the interview]
The Creative Success Show with Tanner Gers
The recording:
“How to Turn the Knob of Leadership and Your Life,†March 21, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Tanner brings out the best in amazing guests
I’m honored to have been Tanner’s guest. The conversation went beyond just talking about a book or leadership in general. It was about the passions, motivations, emotions, and vulnerabilities that drive me. Tanner cares about his guests and audience. He brings out the best in the guests to bring value to the audience. And he has fun too.
Tim Laskis Show
The recording:
“Astrophysicist turned media wiz tells listeners what leadership is all about,†March 22, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Tim Laskis: Open, honest, straightforward
Tim Laskis brings you guests who have struggled and reached success, usually in entrepreneurship, often in business, sometimes in sports and other areas we can all learn from. He asks open, honest, straightforward questions that show off what makes them great but also human so we can learn from them. If you want to surround yourself with people you can learn from, even inspire you, and meet the person underneath, listen to Tim.
Radio Free Leader with David Burkus
The recording:
“Becoming the Leader Others Follow,†March 22, 2017
My review of the podcast:
David Burkus is friendly, professional, and helpful
David Burkus offers more than top-notch guests. His experience leading, coaching, and speaking enables him to speak with them as a peer, which makes the conversations friendly. He brings out the person behind the book or public persona so you can relate to them and learn from them. Most podcasters can’t make the connection that David does naturally.
Smashing the Plateau with David Shriner-Cahn
The recordings:
“From Astrophysicist to Leadership Coach To Bestselling Author,†March 28, 2017
“How to Create Real Change,” September 18, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Compassion, passion, experience, and support
David Shriner-Cahn speaks with experience and brings in guests who do too. He cares about his audience and the challenges everyone faces reaching success so he brings out from his guests what got them through their challenges. You don’t get to hear these things often, but they help us overcome our challenges. David treats them with sensitivity and compassion so guests can share vulnerabilities. We can all learn from them.
Mindfulness Mode with Bruce Langford
The recording:
“Experience Less Stress By Being Aware of Your Emotions,†March 29, 2017
My review of the podcast:
A mindful break from regular life
Bruce Langford listens and gives you what’s important for you. When he talks to guests, he gets out what’s important and valuable. He doesn’t rush. He doesn’t talk over. No agenda. He lets people share. When people can just share, they share what’s valuable. What more could you want in a conversation?
Fast Leader with Jim Rembach
The recording:
“Josh Spodek: had to force my friends to read it,†April 12, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Fast leaders. Engaging, helpful, calm conversation
“Fast†in the podcast title describes your growth, learning from successful guests, but fast leadership doesn’t necessarily mean fast conversations. On the contrary, I find Jim’s conversations calm and comfortable, as I find successful leaders. So if you want to learn, grow, and rise fast, the Fast Leader Show delivers, with enjoyable, engaging conversations with successful leaders.
So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
The recording:
“Josh Spodek,†April 12, 2017
My review of the podcast:
So Awesome!
Farnoosh has one of the big podcasts you’ve already heard of, for good reason. I’m honored to have been a guest. While the title says “money,†the show is not just materialistic. On the contrary, Farnoosh speaks about life and values with sensitivity, empathy, compassion, and humor that get beyond “just†money. Worth listening to!
Moving Mountains with Sasha Laghonh
The recording:
“Meet Joshua Spodek: Author, Academic & Entrepreneur,†April 16, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Sasha Laghonh goes deep
I’m honored to have been a guest on Moving Mountains. Sasha goes beyond just talking and interviewing. She creates an environment to talk openly about topics few podcasts do—the passions and motivations driving the writing and self-expression that put you in the public eye. She brings more than just talk, which you can hear in the richness of the conversation.
Business Building Rockstars with Nicole Holland
The recording:
“Becoming Successful by Doing What You Love,†April 19, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Nicole Holland is a rockstar’s rockstar
Nicole Holland builds rockstars. She is passionate and dedicated to making you the best interviewer, guest, and person you can be. She’s incredible. If you want to learn about making yourself better, especially in the domain of podcasting, in any part, listen to her podcast. Then find her in other podcasts where she is a guest and listen there. You will be inspired. You will find barriers you once considered insurmountable fade away.
The Hardware Entrepreneur podcast with Balint Horvath
The recordings:
“Effective project-based learning from astrophysicist turned entrepreneur, professor, with Joshua Spodek of NYU, Spodek Academy,†April 19, 2017
“Call for action to you – for a new path to reduce climate change,†June 7, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Balint Horvath: Passionate, engaging, conversation on science and entrepreneurship, especially its hardware aspects
Entrepreneurship and science are two of our times’ most intriguing and important topics, as well as sources of solutions to our most pressing global challenges. A few episodes in his podcast deal explicitly with sustainable product creation. Few people understand both entrepreneurship and science. Fewer still can speak about them in accessible, friendly, still intelligent ways. Balint does.
If you care about entrepreneurship, especially from a scientific perspective and from a physical product—that is, hardware—point of view, listen to Balint.
If you care about entrepreneurship, especially from a scientific perspective, listen to Balint.
Can I Pick Your Brain with Daniel Gefen
The recordings:
“90,000 Burpees: Becoming a Super Achiever by Mastering Consistency with Joshua Spodek,†April 28, 2017
“How Childhood Vulnerability Led to Adult Success with Daniel Gefen and Joshua Spodek,” September 5, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Funny, smart, insightful, great guests, … everything you want in a podcast
Daniel Gefen’s Can I Pick Your Brain stands out among podcasts. Daniel stands out among interviewers. He hosts tremendous guests (I’m honored to have been one) and prepares thoroughly. Most importantly, he listens and responds to what the guest says in the moment. The conversations are open, honest, fun, and funny. He guides the conversation to the most interesting and valuable messages from each guest.
Daniel’s show is already top notch and I expect it to keep growing.
The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger
The recording:
“Joshua Spodek | Leadership Step by Step (Bonus),†May 7, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jordan brings out the best in the best guests
Jordan is engaging, entertaining, and brings out the best in his guests. Obviously, the Art of Charm podcast is the big one and has been since before podcasts were podcasts, so they get the best guests. What sets them apart is how natural Jordan is, even with huge celebrities, athletes, etc, so you get to learn about them behind the scenes. You can’t get access like that any place else.
Create Your Life with Kevin Y. Brown
The recording:
“5 Ivy League Degrees and Still Kicked Out of My Own Company,†May 12 2017
My review of the podcast:
Kevin Y. Brown is a rock star who brings you rock stars
Kevin Y. Brown gets world-class guests who have reached the pinnacles of important fields. Unlike many podcasts, he meets face-to-face with them, creating intimacy and connection that makes the conversations more friendly, revealing the people themselves. Kevin himself loves learning what makes each person a unique individual, which he showcases. If you want incredible people in your life, and to get to know them, listen to Kevin.
12 Minute Conversation with Engel Jones
The recording:
“The 12 Minute Conversation with Joshua Spodek,†May 16, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Thoughtful, fun, brief, and informative
Most podcasters would make a brief interview fast and frenetic, trying to fit in as much as possible. Ironically, they’d make it less interesting. Engel Jones does the opposite, making his interviews more meaningful and engaging. He’s calm, comfortable, and relaxed so the guest is too, and it’s easier to listen to. A relaxed guest shares more value, not just more words. He listens too, and guides the conversation to what listeners will care about.
The Inspirational Chronicles with Emilio Ron
The recording:
“Become an Exceptional Communicator,†May 17, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Emilio inspires
I am proud to have been one of Emilio’s first guests, one of the few face-to-face interviews, which adds a level of contact and friendliness you can’t get except in person. You can expect that level of dedication and caring about his guest and audience. If your goal is to hear inspirational conversation, listen to Emilio. Beyond each conversation, I expect to be inspired seeing him grow with his podcast.
Reinvention Radio with Steve Olsher
The recording:
“Reinventing Leaders,†May 18, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Steve Olsher is a professional for successful people on their path
Steve Olsher and his team are pros. They get top guests and interview them on live radio, which makes the conversation more dynamic and spontaneous. If you want to learn from successful people, listen to Reinvention Radio. Every guest has overcome challenges that you’ll face. Learn to prepare before you face them.
The Entrepreneur Way with Neil Ball
The recording:
“Take the Initiative and Start Acting on Something with Joshua Spodek, Founder and Owner of Spodek Academy,†May 22, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Passion, focus, and successful guests
Neil Ball loves entrepreneurship. He finds tons of guests who all love entrepreneurship. Everyone has had his or her ups and downs. If you’re thinking about starting a venture or just behaving more entrepreneurially, or even if you’ve started but want to learn from others’ experiences, listen to Neil’s show. You’ll face challenges. Put yourself in a peer group of people who have overcome them.
Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney
The recording:
“Innovating the Way We Teach Leadership,” May 23, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Tathra Street Tall Poppy
The recording:
“Teaching Leadership Practice,†May 24, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Tathra Street: Thoughtful, reflective, insightful
Tathra puts herself into the conversations. Beyond most podcasters, she doesn’t just talk, she genuinely opens up, which means she follows what’s interesting and valuable. When the interviewer learns and grows, which she does, you can too. Her genuine interest makes you interested too.
The Hidden Why with Leigh Martinuzzi
The recording:
“3 Minute Thought–Starting Out & Improving With Practice,†May 25, 2017
“434 Joshua Spodek – How to Align Your Life With Your Values & Live Purposefully,” September 9, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Leigh Martinuzzi challenges and enables you to learn and grow, personally
I’ve accomplished a lot and I think I’m good at motivating myself. Leigh Martinuzzi’s show inspired me to act (recording myself to be on his podcast) where I’d stagnated for years before. What more do you want in a podcast than to improve your life? Leigh shares how his life and views on it change. His podcast is personal and vulnerable. Hearing him explore life and views enables you to. Listen to Leigh if you want to create success for yourself.
World Business and Executive Coach Summit
The video recording:
“Experiential Learning and Coaching,†June 2, 2017
Create Your Own Life with Jeremy Slate
The recording:
“If You Can Do this in Leadership, Then You’ll Win in Business,†June 7, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Jeremy Slate is driven to help you improve
Jeremy Slate’s podcast is entertaining and engaging, but more than that, Jeremy is driven to help you improve your life. He finds great guests and brings out from them how you can improve. Create Your Own Life is exactly what his show enables you to do. Educational, actionable, enabling, and fun.
The Conscious Millionaire with J V Crum III
The recording:
“How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills,†June 9, 2017
My review of the podcast:
J V Crum III is one of the big ones for a reason
J V is one of the big podcasters for a reason, actually a lot of reasons. He gets the biggest guests. He talks the them as a peer so they open up—no pretense, no showing off, just the person behind the image. His experience comes through in asking questions that get people to open up and share what matters, about business and about life. I found his series on diabetes, health, and diet inspirational because they were so personal, so I recommend them in particular, starting December 2016.
Bare Naked Bravery with Emily Ann Peterson
The recording:
“Leadership Lessons from Authoritarianism, and the Pursuit of Sustainability,†June 13, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Emily Ann Peterson lays it bare for her listeners
Life isn’t always easy. Do you want to give in to challenges or take them on? Emily Ann Peterson brings you people who took them on and speaks to them personally, with heart. If you are the average of the people you spend time with, fill your community with creative, bold, brave, and fun people in her community.
Less Talk, More Action with Erin O’Brien
The recording:
“Less Talk, More Action with Joshua Spodek,†June 14, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[I didn’t see a place to post reviews, but I enjoyed the interview, so check it out.]
The Anatomy of Living with Ashton Szabo
The recording:
“Leadership and Spirituality,†June 27, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Ashton Szabo: Meaning, Understanding, and Fun
Ashton is friendly, without pretense, just open and curious. He talks with guests like old friends. He talks about what’s meaningful. He seeks understanding. The conversations are still fun. He’s spiritual, but just as much down to earth, so you meet the guests as regular people.
Sustainable Success with Chris Salem
The recording:
“What is Wrong with Leadership Training for Sustainable Success?,†June 28, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Chris Salem: About your success
I’m honored to have been a guest on Chris Salem’s Sustainable Success. He cares about helping his listeners succeed. From the start of our interaction, the focus was always on his listeners: how to help them create sustainable success in their lives. He loves what he does and is driven to help people succeed. That passion is refreshing and inspiring. Listen to Chris if you want to succeed in the long term.
The Manager Mojo podcast with Steve Caldwell
The recording:
“Leadership Requires Getting in the Trenches and Doing, Not Just Learning,†July 4, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Lead better with Steve Caldwell
Steve Caldwell does more than lead an engaging and insightful podcast. There is a purpose to it, which is to give you tools and experience to improve your leadership—not just in business but in life. His experience makes him thorough and insightful. As a guest, I can tell you he made me feel comfortable with thoughtful questions that came from listening. That calm guidance lets a guest share vulnerabilities that don’t come out in typical media interviews. If you want to get to know the person behind the book or persona, listen to Steve Caldwell.
The Tribe of Entrepreneurs podcast with Soren Hansen
The recording:
“SIDCHAs, self awareness, and “Do-ingâ€, are the path to entrepreneurship,†July 6, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Soren Hansen: the human side of enterpreneurship
Entrepreneurship isn’t just MVPs and elevator pitches. It’s emotional and challenging. It’s human. It’s community. Soren Hansen’s Tribe of Entrepreneurs brings you the personal side of taking initiative and responsibility. If you’re thinking about acting to start a project on your own or in an organization, start by listening to Soren. Or even if you’ve already started. Be prepared by putting yourself in a community of people who have succeeded and are taking on challenges like yours. He asks meaningful, incisive questions that make meaningful, engaging conversations.
The Business of Storytelling with Park Howell
The recording:
“How to Step Up Your Leadership Game With Storytelling,†July 9, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Park Howell: Compelling, business storytelling
Park showcases his guests and makes what they learn and share actionable. You don’t just learn storytelling from listening. Park is like the cool teacher who makes a class so fun you don’t realize you’re learning. He has guests share what makes their stories compelling, dropping nuggets that, if you listen carefully and apply what you learn, you’ll improve your storytelling. Everyone loves to listen to a good story, so listening to The Business of Story will make you someone that people want to listen to, and you’ll have fun learning it.
Think Bold, Be Bold with Christopher Cumby and Allan Wich
The recording:
“Leadership Step by Step,” July 21, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Coming soon
The It Will Come Show with George Siosi Samuels
The recording:
“How To Become The Leader Other People Will Follow,” July 30, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Unleashed – How to Thrive as an Independent Professional
The recording:
“Josh Spodek on leadership step by step,” July 31, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Creative Warriors Unite with Jeffrey Shaw
The recording:
“Become The Person Other People Want To Follow,” August 16, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Read to Lead with Jeff Brown
The recording:
“Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Will Follow,” August 22, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
The Running Lifestyle with Kari Gormley
The recording:
“The Joy of Running and Burpees,” September 7, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
The Prosperity Show with Joan Sotkin
The recording:
“Using Emotions as a Leadership Essential,” September 8, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]

The Ziglar show with Joshua Spodek
The Ziglar Show with Tom Ziglar and Kevin Miller
The recording:
“The massive power of habitually doing what you don’t have to do,” September 19, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
On the Schmooze with Robbie Samuels
The recording:
“Leadership Through Living,” September 26, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
The Inner Changemaker with Jay Wong
The recording
“How to Practice Leadership,” November 1, 2017
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Growthbusters with Dave Gardner
The recording
“Changing the World Starts at Home,” November 20, 2017
My review of the podcast:
Consider nearly any issue of the environment, conflict, disease, resource depletion, global warming, and so on. Follow the issue to its roots and you’ll find a belief that growth will solve almost anything — economic growth, which people believe requires population growth.We can talk about it or not. If we talk about it we have a chance to do something about it. So far almost no one talks about it. Dave Gardner and Growthbusters talks about it.
This is the podcast of the future. It will change how you see the world, your place in it, and how to act.
Leadership and Loyalty with Dov Baron
The recording
“Dancing, Acting Lessons in Leadership,” November 27, 2017
“Author of Leadership Step by Step,” February 27, 2018
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Growth to Freedom with Dan Kuschell
The recording
“Leadership the Works,” April 3, 2018
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Grow Your Influence Tree on Voice of America with Leonard Kim
The recording
“How to Lead People Without Relying on Authority,” April 5, 2018
My review of the podcast:
[To be written when I log into iTunes, which I do a couple times a year]
Mommy Talk live with Olga Szakal
The recording
“Women, Men, and Equality: Are men more trouble than they’re worth?,” August 3, 2018
Leadx with Kevin Kruse
The recording
“This Leader Only Produces One Bag Of Trash Per Year,” August 6, 2018
The Top 1% Podcast with Trevor Blattner
“Solving Big Issues in Small Ways Through Leadership with Joshua Spodek,” December 27, 2018
I’ve kept up the best I could, but can’t keep this page up. My media page continues this list. Please follow the rest there.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
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