Search Results for: population

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based

on November 3, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based There are a lot of non-meat meats on the market, but not as much non-fish fish, which Ocean Hugger Foods is looking to change. I tasted their “tuna” in a sashimi roll and had CEO David Benzaquen not told me it contained only tomato, I would have guessed I was eating fish. I act more on the environment than most and believe[…] Keep reading →

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket

on November 2, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket October 31, 2018 I act more on the environment than most and believe the evidence shows that innovation and technology are at most a small part of any solution. Food and our eating habits have to be a major part, which I’ve written about: Since many “green” ventures seem more interested in wrapping themselves in a trend than actually reducing consumption,[…] Keep reading →

099: Jethro Jones: No Excuse Stewardship (transcript)

on October 26, 2018 in Podcast

Jethro Jones contacted me to make a challenge that he wanted to do public and that part of this challenge and conversation gets very personal. We started talking about education. He’s a principal. The past few years have transformed my understanding of education and how critical it is for culture, society and democracy. It is not just something that happens in schools. For this podcast we’ll also talk about how[…] Keep reading →

098: Would You Free Your Slaves? (transcript)

on October 24, 2018 in Podcast

I’m going to get to the heart of this conversation in a second but first I have to do this preface. The point of this conversation is about your values and how you live by them. Everyone I talk to they get it after a couple of objections and they find it thought-provoking, very thought-provoking. But they first have to get past that I’m asking you to compare your behavior[…] Keep reading →

092: Paternalism and pride: why fly to Africa to eek out minor efficiencies when we waste hundreds times more? (transcript)

on October 6, 2018 in Podcast

I have a letter from the president of NYU where I teach congratulating students on flying to third world countries – Africa, Central America, Asia, and helping people build schools, helping them work on projects there to make their lives better over there. I put to you that students at elite American universities are terrible at building things. NYU is building lots of buildings for itself here, right here in[…] Keep reading →


on September 13, 2018 in Awareness, Stories

I hear and read the term white privilege. Plenty of people explain it. How do the following fit into the concept? For context, for about a decade of my childhood, my mom’s house, where I spent half my time, was in poor neighborhoods, especially Rockland Street in Philadelphia in the mid-70s, or bordered them where whites were minorities. For a while our house was one of three white families on[…] Keep reading →

084: Geoffrey West, part 1: Simplicity beneath it all (transcript)

on September 10, 2018 in Podcast

Our environmental behavior as a species and growth as a species is more predictable than you’d think. This recording is longer than most because Geoffrey West is an accomplished physicist and has moved into biology and other sciences. He’s written popular stuff so it’s accessible material. I find that what Geoffrey talks about aesthetically beautiful in that it combines biology, sociology, cities, math and beyond individual fields it takes data[…] Keep reading →

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