Search Results for: population

Why you drink bottled water

on August 29, 2018 in Nature

When I was a kid, America considered bottled water froufrou—a European luxury. Now many people prefer bottled water. They don’t see it as an inessential luxury. They believe it’s healthier. Yet, as a population, we’re less healthy than then. As a nation, our land and water is less pure and less clean than then. Why you drink bottled water How do you explain people thinking they’re healthier when they aren’t?[…] Keep reading →

American men and their breasts

on August 24, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

The United States today probably has the largest population in history of men with breasts caused by voluntary choices. There are other causes than voluntary choices as this Newsweek article says, It can sometimes be hereditary but is more commonly spurred by conditions like obesity, chronic kidney disease or an overactive thyroid, as well as by certain medications like steroids that cause hormone levels to shift. but many men choose[…] Keep reading →

073: Jared Angaza, part 1: Sustainable resources on a global scale (transcript)

on August 14, 2018 in Podcast

Jared and I just jump right into the conversation and about population which I consider fundamental to the environment and frequently misunderstood connected I believe erroneously with eugenics and things like that. I know it’s a divisive topic and I credit Jared with enabling me and for him comfortably talking about it. So credit to Jared on that one. Also, it’s something that people disagree on. If you disagree, I’d[…] Keep reading →

073: Jared Angaza, part 1: Sustainable resources on a global scale

on August 14, 2018 in Podcast

Jared and I have deep, engaging conversations, starting from before my appearances on his podcast a year before we recorded this one. You’ll hear we quickly get deep on this one. It follows an earlier conversation a topic that many won’t talk about or listen on, but that we consider essential, at least to talk about. We discuss resources per person as our populations grow. Some societies controlled their population[…] Keep reading →

073: Sustainable resources on a global scale; Jared Angaza, part 1

on August 14, 2018 in Podcast

Jared and I have deep, engaging conversations, starting from before my appearances on his podcast a year before we recorded this one. You’ll hear we quickly get deep on this one. It follows an earlier conversation a topic that many won’t talk about or listen on, but that we consider essential, at least to talk about. We discuss resources per person as our populations grow. Some societies controlled their population[…] Keep reading →

Environmental leadership resources

on August 3, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

Here are resources I learn from and return to about joy, discovery, meaning, purpose, community (not doom, gloom, new-age fluff, etc), in no particular order. I’ll keep adding to it. I recommend bingeing on all of it. Leadership and Teamwork The This Sustainable Life podcast When people hear my podcast name, they focus on the environment part. I consider leadership incomparably more important. We know what to do. The question[…] Keep reading →

068: Tensie Whelan, part 2: “You’ve got to do what you believe in”

on July 27, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to the second conversation with Tensie Whelan. We talked about wine, we talked about creating and changing habits and we talked about eating bugs which happens when you talk to someone who worked with Rainforest Alliance and worked all around the world with different cultures. More specific to Leadership and the Environment, we also talk about dealing with people when you change, how to influence them and perspectives that[…] Keep reading →

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