Sponsor my second annual fundraising ride, helping create a bike path from Maine to Florida

March 1, 2022 by Joshua
in Fitness, Nature

Imagine a Green I-95

Imagine you could ride a bike the length of the United States east coast. Would it fix all the worlds problems? Not by itself, but it would open possibilities to travel enjoying nature instead of polluting it. How many people might ride and camp instead of drive? What signal might it send to increase biking in the U.S.?

Following last year’s wonderful ride, I am riding in the East Coast Greenway Alliance‘s second New York City-to-Philadelphia Greenway Ride, a 2-day, 130-mile fundraising ride Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15, 2022.

My ride supports creating a green bike route between New York City and Philadelphia. Roughly 1,000 miles of the Maine to Florida route is on protected greenways, and the East Coast Greenway Alliance is working to make the entire route off-road by 2030.

Click here to sponsor me.

Help by sponsoring my ride

I don’t think I’ve asked readers for money. It isn’t going to me anyway, but the Alliance.

Click here to sponsor me.

I committed to $600, so what you don’t sponsor comes out of my credit card.

My riding and bike advocating history

I rode this ride last year. I’ve helped biking for a long time. You might remember in 1990 I helped get bikes allowed on New York City subways.

Longtime readers might know I rode from Philadelphia to Maine and back with a friend the summer after graduating high school. The year was 1988. The ride was 1,500 miles and took about a month. I was 16 and turned 17 during the ride. Here’s a picture of me during the trip, when cameras used film. I think it was at Bar Harbor, Maine, the northernmost end of the trip.

Click here to sponsor me.

Here I am getting something from my bike with my friend’s bike and our tent in the background.

Click here to sponsor me.

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2 responses on “Sponsor my second annual fundraising ride, helping create a bike path from Maine to Florida

  1. Pingback: My new sleeping experiment » Joshua Spodek

  2. Pingback: Equal parts misery and glory: today’s ride from New York to Princeton » Joshua Spodek

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