These two surprisingly touching Vince Lombardi quotes reveal the source of his winning leadership

June 11, 2016 by Joshua
in Fitness, Leadership, Models, Relationships

For Vince Lombardi’s birthday, I wrote in, “These two surprisingly touching Vince Lombardi quotes reveal the source of his winning leadership.

The piece begins

These two surprisingly touching Vince Lombardi quotes reveal the source of his winning leadership

For the great coach’s birthday, how to create winning traditions in your teams.

I’m writing this article exhausted and sore because two days ago I started researching for this article. Having hurt my leg running, I decided to skip a workout to recover.

Then I read Vince Lombardi. His birthday is tomorrow.

Most people think of him as a hard-core tough guy. He was. He yelled at his team. He won in a time when not everyone got a medal for participating.

The integrity he exuded and got from his teams resonates in every quote and anecdote about him so much that you can’t ignore it.

And I realized that I hadn’t tested if the injury would be a problem. The rowing machine I planned to use might use different muscles. Was I honest with myself?

I got on the machine, started rowing, realized the injury didn’t affect rowing, and did my full workout.

I was using the injury as an excuse. Lombardi motivated me.

How do we become leaders who lead people even generations later?

Read the rest at These two surprisingly touching Vince Lombardi quotes reveal the source of his winning leadership

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