You’re an animal

on December 6, 2012 in Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Nature

Sometimes when I talk about how I don’t eat meat or avoid leather people will comment Josh, you know animals aren’t people. If you think they’re at the same level as us, you’re missing something. They’re implying we’re more advanced than animals. I respond I’m not elevating them to a higher level. I’m not that impressed with us. I find thinking about us as animals gives me more insight to[…] Keep reading →

Variety, choice, the manufactured illusion of it, and creating more yourself

on November 16, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Nature

Can we all agree processed food is unhealthy garbage? Yet people eat tons of it. I want to talk about one reason. And that reason is not just about cereal. It applies to many places in life. When I was a kid I loved boxed cereal. Didn’t everyone grow up eating it? And as a kid you loved sugar cereals. Why not? Before some age you hardly knew or cared[…] Keep reading →

Appreciation for good customer service

on November 15, 2012 in Blog

Last month on my way home from Shanghai I got some great customer service. On a fifteen-hour flight, a human touch can make a big difference. Also, since I don’t eat meat and tend to eat more than what the airline provides, she brought me some undistributed extra food from business class. I think it helped that I always use Doctor Joshua Spodek for reservations — I didn’t go through[…] Keep reading →

A good video on body language, non-verbal communication, and improving yourself

on November 13, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

This TED talk on body language covers several things I cover in my seminar. I recommend watching it. The speaker is Amy Cuddy. From Wikipedia Amy J. C. Cuddy is an American social psychologist known for her studies of the relations between stereotyping and behavior. She is Associate Professor in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit at Harvard Business School. Cuddy studies the origins and outcomes of how people judge and[…] Keep reading →

Thriving in challenging situations

on November 11, 2012 in Blog, Freedom

I asked my friend in Bayonne that I wrote about yesterday, whose neighborhood the storm destroyed, to review yesterday’s post before putting it up. I found his comments inspiring. I know when reading them I hear his voice. As a personal trainer, he’s almost always upbeat and I can hear his motivating tone in these words. I hope that upbeat, non-judgmental tone comes across in the words. Other people have[…] Keep reading →

How do you respond to others’ suffering?

on November 10, 2012 in Blog, Freedom

A reader raised the question for me of how to respond to others’ suffering. She wrote about my recent posts about the aftermath of the storm: You may want to show some empathy at your blog for those hardest hit who have been displaced from their homes with children, not knowing whether to stay or go, not having many options at their disposal, worried for the safety of their children,[…] Keep reading →

Non-attachment, caring, and motivation, part 2

on November 3, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom

A couple months ago I posted a question on awareness, non-attachment, caring, and motivation I’d been thinking about for a decade or so, unable to answer it in all that time. I came up with an answer I like, that satisfies my curiosity, and helps me understand more. First let me remind you of the question. It came when I was learning in college about Buddhism. I learned the story[…] Keep reading →

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