Videos of Union Square in Motion with children, in interior and article

on September 22, 2011 in Art

I caught these children at Union Square in Motion on video after they watched it a bit. Don’t you wish you enjoyed art so much? Reminds me of the kids and family that watched Bryant Park in Motion a year and a half ago. And here is the first article about the piece, “Announcing the Zoetrope!” (pdf) which came out in Red Phone, the magazine of the school of[…] Keep reading →

Video of Union Square Public Art Piece during installation

on September 20, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here is a video of the Union Square in Motion public art piece most of the way through installation. I haven’t gotten a couple of the monitors working yet, but you can see the basic display. Umut Ozover created the video, as well as helping create the art. As always, video and still images don’t convey the medium like seeing it in person. So if you’re in New York City,[…] Keep reading →

Cleaning up: moving “My Art” to separate page

on September 20, 2011 in Art, Blog

Readers have commented that my posts on my art differ from the main thrust of this page: success through value, meaning, purpose, importance, emotional awareness, and emotional intelligence. With the awesome new public art piece in Union Square, I expect many posts on my art soon. To clean this page, I created a new page — My Art — for all my art posts, separating it from the main page,[…] Keep reading →

Finding Union Square in Motion

on September 19, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are a map and picture showing how to find Union Square in Motion, New York City’s most amazing new public art work. If you need better directions, contact me and I’ll help. It’s convenient to the 4,5,6,N,R,Q, and L trains, not far from the B,D,F, and M trains. Look for the subway entrance in front of Walgreens or Food Emporium, take the escalator or stairs down, and you can’t[…] Keep reading →

Union Square display just up and beautiful!

on September 17, 2011 in Art, Creativity

The display looks amazing. It only took most of a year and fifteen hours today to put it up — part of the joy of making art. That and it’s much bigger, brighter, and in a higher traffic area than the Bryant Park display. People seem to love it already. (Directions to see Union Square in Motion, video of the display during installation) I have too many people to thank,[…] Keep reading →

Man Ray on values

on August 6, 2011 in Art, Awareness, Blog

Another quote from the Man Ray biography reminded me of a recent post of mine on values (exercise to the reader: which recent post?). Man Ray had a number of great quotes, especially on this page and this page, relevant to my focus on understanding values and meaning. As a surrealist and dadaist, movements whose “purpose was to ridicule what its participants considered to be the meaninglessness of the modern[…] Keep reading →

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