The essence of creativity, as expressed by Man Ray

on August 5, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Humor

Why do we create and invent? Many people enjoy creating, but can’t express why — what they get out of it or what motivates them. The masters often express these things best — mastery often requires understanding your motivations. A quote by Man Ray has stuck with me for years after first hearing it on an American Masters documentary on him. I believe it expresses a, or perhaps the, fundamental[…] Keep reading →

Animated Freedombox logo!

on July 28, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Freedom

In the midst of my series on Communication Skills Exercises, yesterday I worked with the brilliant, talented, and accomplished Nina Paley — free culture advocate, creator of Sita Sings the Blues, cartoonist of the insightful, funny, and subversive Mimi and Eunice, and friendly neighbor. We animated the Freedombox logos John Emerson and I worked on. She also does things like post blog entries titled “I am awesome,” suggesting an obvious[…] Keep reading →

New videos of my art

on July 8, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here are two new videos of my art by Bill Magargal from the opening of my solo exhibit at the Crossing Art gallery. First the north wall. I think it’s better than the earlier video I took and posted. Next, one piece on the south wall.

Closing event for my solo show at Crossing Art gallery with Leaders in Software and Art

on July 7, 2011 in Art, Creativity

The closing event for my solo exhibition at Crossing Art gallery will be held in conjunction with Leaders in Software and Art (LISA) Thursday, July 14, beginning at 6:15pm. Details and directions are below. Both organizations are outstanding and I owe gratitude to each. I spoke at Crossing Art for my opening event last month and at LISA in February. Unlike most LISA events, which are members only, this one[…] Keep reading →

A review of my solo gallery show

on June 20, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Lillian Chan is an independent film producer and friend who has attended and recorded a couple of my seminars and now my gallery opening. After writing a few paragraphs reviewing the seminars, she reviewed my solo gallery show too.

Joshua Spodek: big in China

on June 20, 2011 in Art, Creativity

I’m big in China! I can’t tell what the video or text says, but covered my opening. Here’s a video of me and my work. Totally cool to watch, assuming they are saying cool things about me. Here’s a write up. Here’s a web translation of the write-up. If anyone can make better sense of it, please let me know: Static in the move – Joshua Spodek expansion diorama[…] Keep reading →

Solo gallery show first images and video

on June 19, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here are a couple videos of my solo gallery show “Motion in Stillness” at the Crossing Art gallery in Queens. Yesterday was the opening. These videos are from before the opening. Better quality video will go up soon. Some people at the opening had some serious cameras. From before the press preview, here is a quick tour of the show. As always with my medium, only seeing it in person[…] Keep reading →

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