Parsons student linear zoetrope videos

on May 27, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are videos of the final non-digital linear zoetropes made by the students in Parsons Submedia collaboration studio in the spring of 2011. The students are superstars. The students’ next step will be the display in Union Square, so stay tuned. I took all the videos with my low quality camera phone. More videos are at the course blog. First the grand tour of all the zoetropes in the Arts,[…] Keep reading →

Another friend wins writing award

on May 24, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Alex Kudera’s first novel won an Independent Publishers Book Awards award — the IPPY Gold Medal for Best Fiction. I wrote about him and his book, Fight For Your Long Day, a couple months ago. He’s planning to give a reading in New York this summer. Who knows how fast his star will rise? Congratulations Alex!

A beautiful spring day in my neighborhood

on May 23, 2011 in Art, Blog, Nature

Saturday was such a beautiful day I couldn’t resist walking in the park across the street from my building, making me late to meet my sister and nephew in Queens. The park is tiny but beautifully maintained by neighbors. It has a small walking path around it. The pictures in the slide show below follow my view walking around the path, sometimes looking forward, sometimes backward, sometimes toward the middle.[…] Keep reading →

New images and videos of the Parsons Displays

on May 5, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are some videos and images of the displays the Parsons students put up in the corner of 5th Avenue and 13th Street. As usual, my camera is not great and my recording ability is worse. Cameras don’t capture the medium. The final product also doesn’t capture the challenge and work that went into creating the displays. Also, please see the course blog for lots of other images and videos[…] Keep reading →

Update #3 on the Union Square display

on April 30, 2011 in Art, Education

We made the minimum on the Parsons Union Square kickstarter project! The project raised $5,017, just over the minimum of $5,000 we set (which is still below the what we’ll need, but we’ll figure out how to make it). Here’s the latest updated we sent out. Update #3: We made it! Thank you! We made it! Just barely! Making it this close ($5,017 out of $5,000) means every contribution counted.[…] Keep reading →

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