Update #2 on the Parsons Union Square display

on April 28, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here is an update to the Parsons Union Square kickstarter project. Update #2: Video of the Fifth Avenue display Here is a video (just from my camera phone, sorry not great quality) of one of the displays in Parsons’ window facing Fifth Avenue and 13th Street. As mentioned in the last update, this display is a big, genuine art piece, although still in preparation for the Union Square piece, which[…] Keep reading →

Update #1 on the Union Square display

on April 26, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here is an update to the Parsons Union Square kickstarter project. Update #1: Prototype displays go up in Parsons windows, 5th Avenue and 13th Street The class has been preparing prototype linear zoetropes to be placed in the windows of Parsons’ building at 5th Avenue and 13th Street, facing the street. We shouldn’t call them prototypes because they are full art pieces everyone in the class participated in creating, hosted[…] Keep reading →

Tonight’s talk’s map

on April 23, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education

Here’s the mindmap for tonight’s Fred talk. Slightly evolved from my last one. Not everything made it into the presentation. Drag it around and click around. To navigate use arrow keys or click white space and drag to move the map click the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ icon at the top to resize the map click the “fit” icon at the top (to the right of the ‘-‘) to fit the[…] Keep reading →

Working on art

on April 22, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

When you feel like a superhero it’s hard not to indulge in sharing why you feel so great. Solving technical problems makes you feel like a genius when you get it. I’ve had two days straight of amazing progress. One thing after another fell into place. It all took a lot of research, trial and error, moving step-by-step, not biting off too much at a time. Most of that was[…] Keep reading →

How to succeed in difficult situations

on April 21, 2011 in Art, Blog

My friend, Sebastian Marshall, featured me in his excellent blog yesterday. His blog is on strategy, specifically about “Strategy, Philosophy, Self-Discipline, Science. Victory.” — apologetically about succeeding. He’s an incredible guy living a life most people dream of, sharing how to achieve the same. His views are well thought out. His advice is actionable and sensible, but not what most people would realize at first. Mainly because he’s thought through[…] Keep reading →

Freedombox logo ideas

on April 17, 2011 in Art, Blog, Freedom, Nature

A friend and I were playing around with logo ideas for the Freedombox project based on this email solicitation from the Freedombox Foundation for T-shirt designs: T-Shirt Designs ————— One of the things we offered Kickstarter donors was a T-shirt. We are thus soliciting T-shirt designs. The theme of the shirt is Community Angels. It would be good to involve our current logo http://freedomboxfoundation.org/images/freedombox_large.png. Sorry, we don’t have a bigger[…] Keep reading →

Great opening lines to books

on April 13, 2011 in Art, Creativity

I like memorable opening lines to books. Good ones can be poetry, or a whole book into themselves. Sometimes they set the tone for the book. Others are simply memorable for their simplicity. Some of my favorite (some from memory so please correct errors): “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant day when his father took him to discover ice.”[…] Keep reading →

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