See Rufus Seder’s talk on “Magic, Art, and Motion Pictures” featuring my work in Boston November 29

on November 20, 2012 in Art, Blog, Education

If you like art like mine — motion pictures created by your motion, without computers or motion picture projectors — you know Rufus Seder. He has created, among other things, series of books, cards, and other hands-on physical animation devices. Friends and family constantly bring me his fascinating work, books, toys, and such. On Thursday, November 29, Rufus will speak at Northeastern University in Boston on our type of art;[…] Keep reading →

A refreshing voice on copyright from a hard-core conservative

on November 18, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Freedom

EDIT: Maybe I should have expected this. The Executive Director of the Committee pulled the document from their site, stating We at the RSC take pride in providing informative analysis of major policy issues and pending legislation that accounts for the range of perspectives held by RSC Members and within the conservative community. Yesterday you received a policy brief on copyright law that was published without adequate review within the[…] Keep reading →

Amazing essays by amazing writers and thinkers

on September 29, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

I stumbled on this more-than-a-decade-old amazing trove of essays. Just reading the authors’ names is impressive. They are essays written by great thinkers, writers, etc on “best” things of the past thousand years. I’ll cut and paste most of the essay titles and links here. I’ve only read a few so far, but I’ve loved each. Sorry I haven’t reformatted much, but you can always go to the original site[…] Keep reading →

My beautiful eight-minute Shanghai commute

on September 25, 2012 in Art, Blog

Speaking about commuting, as I did yesterday, I decided to record my Shanghai morning commute. It’s normally about eight minutes. I could probably do it in six-and-a-half without running if I had to. So I brought my camera and took pictures every dozen yards or so sometimes looking forward, other times to the side. What can I say? I consider community more important all the time. I live in a[…] Keep reading →

Occupy Disney

on September 14, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Back when Occupy Wall Street was making more news and I was writing about it and leadership and on it and responsibility, I had an idea about corporate control of our lives I thought would be interesting. As an entrepreneur and inventor, I felt the control closer to those areas of my life. I’ve written about how the patent and copyright systems have created monopolies and oligopolies that distorted their[…] Keep reading →

Union Square in Motion named Adobe Design Achievement Award Semifinalist!

on September 1, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education

Union Square in Motion made the prestigious 2012 Adobe Design Achievement Award semifinals! The Adobe Design Achievement Awards celebrate student and faculty achievement reflecting the powerful convergence of technology and the creative arts. The competition – which showcases individual and group projects created with industry-leading Adobe creative software – honors the most talented and promising student graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, digital filmmakers, developers and computer artists from the world’s[…] Keep reading →

The Leaders in Software and Art Conference, October 16

on August 21, 2012 in Art, Blog, Leadership

Savvy readers will notice the conference mentioned in the title covers two big topics of this blog — leadership and art. I’ve twice spoken at Leaders in Software and Art events, helped host another, and attended many others (a video of my work is currently on the LISA site’s front page). The organizer, Isabel Draves, has been building the events, consistently assembling artists and technologists to speak, network, and share[…] Keep reading →

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