George Clooney on being yourself in the face of adversity

on February 27, 2013 in Blog, Leadership

For my third post on George Clooney’s Inside the Actors Studio interview, here he speaks on being yourself in challenging situations. I’ve written on the overlap I see between the art and craft of leadership and acting, how both deeply involve being aware of knowing and managing your emotions so you can know and evoke emotions in others. I think the training of leaders can benefit from the more mature[…] Keep reading →

Observations on leadership and success from Inside the Actors Studio

on February 22, 2013 in Art, Blog, Leadership

I’ve watched a lot of episodes of Inside the Actors Studio. I’ve referred to it before and I’ll keep referring to it as a resource for leadership because actors and leaders share this common element to their craft: part of our jobs is to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves to communicate them and create and inspire emotions in others. Actors tend to inspire laughter, tears, and catharsis whereas leaders[…] Keep reading →

Rules are other people telling you what to do; Breaking rules lets you excel

on January 11, 2013 in Blog, Leadership

Learning Chinese as I am, I’m learning a lot of rules of that language. If you’ve spoken to me in person over the past few years, you’ve probably heard my fun-with-language game to purposefully conjugate the verbs to be and to have wrong. I often say “How is you?” or “I has to go to the store.” I’ll be the first to admit the mis-conjugation is affected, but it’s also[…] Keep reading →

What color is a mirror?

on January 7, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Nature

I don’t know if this will sound deep or what, but this question hit me the other day and I found it making me think enough about perception to share it here. Perception being one of the main components of my Model, I like thinking about and understanding more about perception, whether literal, physical perception, or conceptual. Maybe it will read like a koan. Everything has a color. My computer[…] Keep reading →

You know, ordinary life is pretty complex stuff

on December 18, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

I came across a great quote in a Sundance Grand Jury Prize movie called American Splendor about  comic book writer Harvey Pekar. If you don’t know about Harvey Pekar or his comic book series, American Splendor (they named the movie after it), he was a mostly regular guy with a regular job as a file clerk in a hospital in Cleveland. He saw comic books with super-heroes in tights as[…] Keep reading →

A poem: In the sea of Iwami by Kakinomoto Hitomaro

on December 16, 2012 in Art, Blog, Nature

I recently came across a poem I remember reading in college and liking enough to copy into my computer. I’ve tried to find a way to connect it to this page’s usual themes of leadership and personal development. I can’t, but I like the poem enough to post it anyway. I hope you like it enough to indulge my digression / indulgence. It’s by Kakinomoto Hitomaro (c. 662 – 710).[…] Keep reading →

Scandal about that refreshing voice on copyright from a hard-core conservative

on December 7, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Do you like music, art, literature, innovation, invention, creativity, entrepreneurship, and things like that? Then you probably liked the document I mentioned a few weeks ago about problems with copyright and how to fix them. I considered it well thought-out and felt it proposed ideas that would improve the country. I was surprised to see it coming from the type of hard-core conservative that supports corporate welfare. Until the group[…] Keep reading →

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