
on June 21, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Business brought me to the lovely city of Xian, not that far from Shanghai. My hosts brought me to a central area they covered with LEDs, I guess for tourists. I couldn’t help take pictures to post here. It was borderline garish, but just this side of too much. I don’t know if the pictures capture it. It almost felt like daytime at night. The city lit up a whole[…] Keep reading →

Leadership lessons from method acting

on June 11, 2012 in Art, Blog, Leadership

Leadership and acting have a lot in common. Both crafts require practitioners to be aware of and to manage their emotions and those of people around them. They evoke different emotions — leaders generally don’t try to get people to cry and actors generally don’t get people to work weekends — but their crafts overlap nonetheless. I’ve linked to Inside the Actors Studio before and I’ll keep linking to them.[…] Keep reading →

Human history, on a flash drive

on May 28, 2012 in Blog, Entrepreneurship

A couple friends created the eVr1 Codex — part accessory, part memory drive — that stores a huge canon of literature so you can keep it with you at all times. I know both friends from business school classes. You can also see the California outdoor love of nature they share. Here’s one of their products. Our Vision eVr1’s vision is to connect modern man with the long, global human[…] Keep reading →

Joshua Spodek mentioned in Tate Modern lecture

on May 21, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

I came across the online notes of a symposium mentioning me at the Tate Modern on “Pervasive Animation” by George Griffin, who lives around the corner from me and whom I met in person a couple years ago. Okay, he mentioned me only briefly, but it’s the Tate Modern and he’s important. So there!

Xu Bing’s gallery show at the Shanghai Gallery of Art

on May 20, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

I enjoyed a show by an artist named Xu Bing at the Shanghai Gallery of Art. He created a book using only symbols so that anyone could understand it, no matter what language they spoke. The show showed the book and the four-year process he took to create it. The simple, blocky images telling a story suggested to me that taking simple, direct pictures of them would tell the story[…] Keep reading →

The Forbidden City

on April 24, 2012 in Art, Blog

You can’t visit the Forbidden City in Beijing without posting pictures! It wasn’t as crowded as the Great Wall, but plenty of people were there. Here are a few pictures.

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