Another reason to avoid proprietary software

on April 20, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom

Another reason to avoid proprietary software is that it allows its creators privacy on your hardware. That lets them spy on you, among other things. Who wants that? For example, here is a report that the iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go Security researchers have discovered that Apple’s iPhone keeps track of where you go – and saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device[…] Keep reading →

Values and diversity in higher education

on April 20, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Education

“Does Harvard pay off?” was the title of a thread a friend posted on A Small World (and re-posted on his blog) whether a higher education was worth it. The discussion didn’t lead to a full consensus, but many people from within Harvard’s community and the Ivy League answered yes for various reasons. Based on my faithfully rewarding strategy “don’t look for blame, but take responsibility for making things better[…] Keep reading →

The root of happiness

on April 19, 2011 in Awareness, Blog

I can tell you the root of happiness. I’m talking about the root of the word, not the emotion per se, but they’re related, so the answer is telling. First, let’s note that for many people, happiness is their highest value, over money, fame, fortune, and power. More pointedly, when you ask people what they want for their children, happiness ranks yet higher. The root of happiness is hap, which[…] Keep reading →

When you want to feel fake

on April 18, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership, Tips

Why would anyone want to feel fake? When do you want to feel fake? Developing leadership skills or other types of personal development aren’t like learning typical how-to skills. When you develop leadership skills or develop personally, you change how everyone sees you and how you see everyone. You change as a person, in other words. You used to be person A and expect to become person B. As person[…] Keep reading →

Perfection in leadership and how to improve

on April 16, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Leadership does not require perfection — far from it. Effective leaders don’t have to be strong in many leadership skills at all. Effective leadership emerges more from knowing your strengths and weaknesses than on having many strengths. Speed and strength are valuable to any position in football, but a quarterback doesn’t need strength like a lineman. And a lineman doesn’t need to be as fast as a running back. A[…] Keep reading →

Why learn leadership (even if you don’t want to be a leader)

on April 14, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership

“What’s so important about leadership? Why learn to be a leader? What if I don’t want to be one?” I get these questions a lot in my seminars and in conversation, often preceded by “What is it with you Americans?” I often let others in the audience answer the question. Developing leadership skills reveals their value, whether you use them to lead people or not, so a few people answering[…] Keep reading →

More rapid life-level changes and an origin of this blog

on April 11, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Education

Another example of a significant life-level change that happened almost instantly came from my performing in Follies in business school. You are capable of the same level of change. The scene was my second semester of business school. I had not performed on stage since third grade, thinking I didn’t want to, thoughtlessly continuing my third grade rebellious streak. When a friend told me he was thinking about joining the[…] Keep reading →

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