Why I stopped eating meat, part 3

on December 16, 2011 in Blog, Nature

Three days ago I mentioned I stopped eating meat for two categories of reasons: taste and intellectual reasons. Two days ago I covered taste. Today, intellectual reasons. First I’ll mention that none of the following reasons motivate me anymore. Though I once did, I no longer find them compelling. I find their counter-arguments equally valid, or just as well, I find them equally invalid. I find talking about these reasons[…] Keep reading →


on December 15, 2011 in Freedom, Humor, Nature

By the way, having mentioned McLibel and the difference between “food” and food and between “meat” and meat, and as long as I’m on the topic of reasonable talk about eating, I can’t help mention more about the case. Quoting from a web page devoted to the case, The McLibel Trial is the infamous British court case between McDonald’s and a former postman & a gardener from London (Helen Steel[…] Keep reading →

Why I stopped eating meat, part 2

on December 14, 2011 in Blog, Nature

Yesterday I mentioned I stopped eating meat for two categories of reasons: taste and intellectual reasons. Today I’ll cover taste. By taste I mean not just flavor, but what one likes or not, as in musical taste. I never liked eating meat. At least I don’t remember liking it, but it was a long time ago. I remember disliking eating meat. My mom would say “It’s all meat!” about the[…] Keep reading →

Why I stopped eating meat, part 1

on December 13, 2011 in Blog, Nature

People often ask me why I stopped eating meat. I wrote a few days ago about how often people ask in order to argue and how I find the question boring after having been asked roughly daily or so for decades. Still, I’ve learned to appreciate and even celebrate things I can’t change so it doesn’t get me down. I used to argue with people about food too so I[…] Keep reading →

More reasonable talk on eating, part 3

on December 12, 2011 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Yesterday covered more the physical side of the change in the trucker’s life with food. Today let’s look more at the emotional side. The movie showed that, however ingrained the punishment of “food” and its related confusion-based helplessness, just a few days of new experience can overcome it. The trucker’s physical health didn’t change overnight, but his emotional health did. And a major point of this blog is the fundamental[…] Keep reading →

More reasonable talk on eating, part 2

on December 11, 2011 in Blog, Nature

Yesterday I wrote about healthy food, unhealthy “food,” and how we’ve created industries that confuse the two, leading to people eating things they don’t like and avoiding things they do. The day before I wrote about the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (view for free here, view trailers here). Since food can be such a rewarding part of life when you find ways to actively enjoy it, many books,[…] Keep reading →

More reasonable talk on eating

on December 10, 2011 in Blog, Nature

I alluded to a point yesterday that people don’t eat what they want and eat what they don’t want. They diet, avoid things for reasons other people give them, eat unhealthy foods, and so on. Is this mind-blowing or what? How can someone eat things they don’t like and avoid things they do? Food is as basic as things get. What better feelings does life offer than for eating food[…] Keep reading →

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