An alternative to truth and lies

on January 29, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Freedom, Tips

An incredibly useful perspective in some half-baked notes to a friend. I’ll develop them more in future posts. Feedback and criticism appreciated. — You wrote about lying as an example of a “bad trait”. I’d like to suggest another perspective (generalizable from just lying to other aspects of apparent lack of empathy): that the reason people communicate is not to convey truths. Evaluating people according to truths and lies holds[…] Keep reading →

Get out what you put in

on February 12, 2008 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship

[In response to some alumni on the Entrepreneurs’ mailing list complaining the school wasn’t helping alumni enough, proposing a “nuclear option” of talking to the press about it.] If anyone thinks “we have little to lose” and that the “greatest risk is that nothing will happen anyway” of a process called a nuclear option, they should sit down and think more. If you prepare for war, you’ll get it. War[…] Keep reading →

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