Conquering anxiety (or any other emotion) and getting the job done

on April 16, 2012 in Awareness, Blog

I remember learning a great life lesson in managing intense emotions from a time I felt some of the deepest anxiety of my life. I also finished the project on time and on budget in the process. Two weeks from the deadline on a two-year project, I was coming to realize I didn’t see how I could complete it. People I told I could deliver had put themselves out for[…] Keep reading →

Learning the incredibly helpful skill of forgetting

on April 10, 2012 in Blog

I learned something great from a friend. After fights, she’d forget that we fought. I used to think she was acting. Then I realized she really did forget. I grew up in a house where people held on to positions and grudges. I didn’t believe people actually forgave and forgot. Then I observed her. Like Roger Bannister’s breaking the four-minute mile helped others see they could do it too, observing[…] Keep reading →

Balancing challenge, learning, fun, and reward in personal development

on March 31, 2012 in Blog

I like to improve my life, but I don’t do it non-stop. Personal development usually requires challenging yourself (“going out of your comfort zone,” is the cliché), which can be hard. So I alternate between challenging myself and relaxing. When I challenge myself I learn. When I relax I enjoy the fruits of my labor. Here I plot my personal growth over time, schematically. I do it in stages, alternately[…] Keep reading →

Make your faults and weaknesses strengths

on March 24, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership

Everybody agrees nobody is perfect. We all have our faults. Yet some emerge as leaders and outstanding successes. I’ve come to believe leaders lead and successes succeed not in spite of their faults or weaknesses, but because of them. The things themselves don’t matter as much as the emotions we attach to them. Attach shame to something inherent about you and people will see a part of you as shameful.[…] Keep reading →

Activating mental chatter

on March 20, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

I’ve written about raising your awareness of your mental chatter (aka self-talk, internal monologue, voice of judgment, etc) and learning to voice it. I call both of those activities passive. You can also work actively with your mental chatter. Passive awareness and voicing of your mental chatter helps. In my experience going from unawareness to passive awareness improved my understanding of how my mind worked as much as anything. The[…] Keep reading →

How gyms having big mirrors helps so much

on March 18, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness

Gyms having big mirrors helps a lot and you should use them if you want to get in better shape. I used to think they had them to help you with your form while exercising. They do help for that, but I realized a better reason. Some background: I’ve been in shape most of my life, mostly since I started running cross country in high school. My family got me[…] Keep reading →

Spring sunshine and breezes

on March 14, 2012 in Blog, Fitness

Burpees and rowing indoors are great, but nothing beats getting up early and running in the morning sun with 60 degree light breezes. Freedom — what life is about. Especially for the first time in the spring. (I still did my daily burpees anyway, of course.)

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