Human history, on a flash drive

on May 28, 2012 in Blog, Entrepreneurship

A couple friends created the eVr1 Codex — part accessory, part memory drive — that stores a huge canon of literature so you can keep it with you at all times. I know both friends from business school classes. You can also see the California outdoor love of nature they share. Here’s one of their products. Our Vision eVr1’s vision is to connect modern man with the long, global human[…] Keep reading →

On the values of travel

on May 27, 2012 in Blog

Last month I wrote how I don’t like to travel, just as I embarked on a trip to North Korea and China that ended up including Vietnam too. Then I had another trip of a lifetime! The amount I learn and grow when I travel — nearly every time — forces me to rethink that statement. People who’ve known me for years know I haven’t liked to travel for a[…] Keep reading →

If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Consider Time

on May 26, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Tips

I just read this article, “If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Consider Time.” Before commenting on it, I’ll note that I saw it linked to from a tech site, Hacker News. That community tends not to value MBA values and view people with MBAs as not adding the value engineers do. Having been a tech-founder (before my MBA) and a non-tech-founder (after my MBA) of different ventures I understand that[…] Keep reading →

Problems at the foundation of economics

on May 25, 2012 in Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Nature

My physics training tells me economics views some things in a weird way. In physics, if your theory predicts something to happen a certain way and it happens differently, you say your theory is wrong, at least partly, and you work to improve it. Nature is always correct. You try to get your theory to predict what nature does. When economics predicts people to behave some way and they don’t,[…] Keep reading →

Culture shock comes when you experience something old for the first time in a while, not something new

on May 17, 2012 in Awareness, Blog

If you live in New York City or many other places, you’ve doubtlessly gotten used to restaurants and bars having no smoke in them. Perhaps, like me, you’ve come to find the idea, or experience, of smoke around you when you eat or drink or in any public space you can’t avoid barbaric. Does “barbaric” overstate things? I used to consider myself tolerant of smoke in bars and clubs. Actually,[…] Keep reading →

Difficult life decision? Here’s how to look at it.

on May 16, 2012 in Awareness, Blog

Life is full of difficult decisions. People struggle over them, sometimes for years, even people living great lives. You probably have one or two or more. I’ve had my share. A couple questions people asked me recently got me to figure it out. If your questions are reasonably similar, read on. Typical life questions “Which job should I take?” “Should we become boyfriend and girlfriend?” A couple friends asked me[…] Keep reading →

Founding myths and who created North Korea

on May 16, 2012 in NorthKorea

My recent trip revealed a distinction about North Korea I now believe likely drives its decision-makers’ behavior. I consider the following important enough to incorporate into my book. Founding Myths Every country has its founding myths and stories. They help define its values and culture, motivating people’s behavior, relationships with each other, and relationships abroad. Who divided the Koreas and how — founding North Korea in the process — explains[…] Keep reading →

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