Martin Luther King, copyright, and the content of his children’s character

on January 23, 2013 in Blog, Freedom

Last August, many reported on the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech. One of my favorite sites which concerns itself with copyright, started a conversation, “The copyright nightmare of ‘I Have A Dream“, on how the speech, which was broadcast in a way that would seemingly make it part of the public domain, ended up copyrighted. Please read that conversation for many views on how[…] Keep reading →

What’s the relationship between eating and working for you?

on January 18, 2013 in Blog

If you work at an office and eat lunch in the middle of the day, what is the relationship between working and eating for you? Do you take a break to eat? Do you eat alone or with others? Do you eat while you work? The way I think of it is to ask Are you there to work and eating is a distraction? or Is eating one of life’s[…] Keep reading →

Why labels and symbols don’t change things; and what they are effective at

on January 17, 2013 in Blog

Following up yesterday’s post, when I talk to people about something they judge, like torture, the topic that motivated yesterday’s post, some of them point out that once you decide something is torture or right or wrong, you can do something about it. People like labeling things because labels mean so much. If you don’t call a behavior torture, they think, people don’t know what it means. Once you call[…] Keep reading →

Instead of calling something right, wrong, good, or bad, consider the consequences of your actions

on January 16, 2013 in Blog

I just watched Zero Dark Thirty and read a bunch of stuff about torture. People often ask about morality and ethics — is such an action right or wrong, good or bad. Asking the morality of actions and behavior doesn’t change them. I don’t see categorizing, judging, and  labeling things helping. Calling something good, bad, right, wrong, etc does no more than label them (tomorrow I’ll write more on why[…] Keep reading →

Overview of Understanding leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion — six key concepts of this web page

on January 5, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership

Today I’ll give an overview of the series I just finished on understanding the six key concepts of this web page:  leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion. What is value? What are values? What is value? What are values? (short version) Understanding others’ value and their values What is meaning? How do I create more meaning in my life? What is purpose? How do I create more purpose in my[…] Keep reading →

What is leadership?

on January 4, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Leadership

Next on the list of concepts under my name at the top of this page is leadership. See earlier posts for values, meaning, purpose, importance, and passion. Unlike the other concepts, leadership intrinsically involves other people. At first that complexity makes it seem harder to understand, but I think it gets simpler in the end. I start my “Leadership through emotional intelligence and self-awareness” seminars by asking what leadership is,[…] Keep reading →

What is passion? How do you find your passions?

on January 3, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Next on the list of words under my name at the top of this page is passion. See earlier posts for values, meaning, purpose, and importance. I think people understand passion more precisely than the previous concepts. Also, I think people also connect passion to emotion, so I don’t have to explain why I’m connecting the concept to emotions like I did for the earlier posts. The dictionary‘s three relevant[…] Keep reading →

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