Less Talk More Action: The podcast
Erin O’Brien hosts the Less Talk More Action podcast. She just released her interview of me. I recommend listening!
As Erin describes it,
“Less Talk. More Action” is a podcast with a twist. Instead of a talkfest, it’s an action-orientated podcast … you walk away with something tangible and implementable to improve your business (rather than just feel-good inspiration).
That’s accurate. It’s the only podcast I’ve been on that takes time for you, the listener, to practice what the podcast talks about it. You don’t just listen. You act—the most effective way to learn.
In other words, you can improve yourself with this podcast.
From the show notes:
Joshua Spodek is a leadership expert. He’s author of the bestselling Leadership Step by Step, and has been labelled by NBC as an “astrophysicist turned new media whiz”.
In this podcast, Josh shares a personal story of a manager who he didn’t initially like (but who earned his respect). He also talks about why you don’t find TED talks about how to play the piano (and what that’s got to do with his leadership book).
See that blank space in the audio recording? That’s 5 mins of silence where Josh leads us in the 5 Minute Action Challenge (so have pen and paper ready!)
Want to sample one of the Leadership Step by Step exercises? Get your copy here: spodekacademy.com/erin
From Erin’s online description of herself:
The two words that appear most frequently on my workshop evaluations?
— Interactive — Engaging —
With 14 years experience as a facilitator, coach and consultant, I have presented to over 4000 people. 99.7% of workshop participants at The University of Sydney agree to “The teaching in this workshop helped me learn effectivelyâ€.
Currently wearing two hats, I am a:
(1) facilitator with two training organisations, The Frank Team and ABCN (Australian Business and Communities Network). Clients include UTS, Macquarie University, Tertiary Access Group, Ernst & Young and KPMG, running workshops in leadership, organisational development and engagement.
(2) self-employed consultant to online business owners (helping them run better workshops and courses so their customers don’t feel bored or overwhelmed)
My other secret weapon? I have spent the past 7 years helping 900 people to conquer procrastination and develop stronger time management skills. There’s nothing I enjoy more than sinking my teeth into a good project management system, always with the emphasis on “How can we make this more user-friendly?” There’s no point implementing a system that brings someone more stress!
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