Watch me moderate a panel on Developing a Sustainability Leadership Culture, October 25
If no one is changing culture in your world, it’s your opportunity to fill the leadership vacuum. Find out how and what dangers to avoid from leaders who have changed cultures before.
How to Develop a Sustainability Leadership Culture in Your Organization
About the Event:
Many companies are making strides toward goals for greening their businesses but need to find ways to maintain the momentum now that they have tackled the easiest challenges. Others are about to embark on their sustainability journeys and seek a roadmap and best practices.
Increasing regulations, particularly in Europe and the U.S., and demands from investors are pressing businesses to define, monitor and publish their net zero targets and green their practices and products. The IPCC reports that there is a closing window in which global citizens can mobilize to reduce carbon emissions and hope to achieve the target needed to stabilize the climate.
It is becoming clear that it is up to leaders to transform corporate cultures to meet these inside and outside pressures.
The webinar panel will feature guest speakers:
Lorna Davis, TED Speaker, Coach and Board Member
Gautam Mukunda, Author, Podcast Host, Senior Advisor, America’s Frontier Fund and Professor at Harvard and Yale
Michael Ventura, Advisor, Author of Applied Empathy, Entrepreneur and Keynote Speaker.
They will share their organizations’ success stories and lessons learned. How did they get reluctant board members and employees on board? What products and processes did they prioritize and how? How did they hold suppliers accountable? What KPIs did they set and how? What worked? And what didn’t? Speakers will discuss their journeys and answer questions.
If you are a senior executive responsible for mobilizing your organization’s sustainability initiative, a shareholder who realizes her investment companies’ efforts need a boost, or a board member who wants to catalyze the greening process, join us for a lively online discussion moderated by Joshua Spodek PhD MBA, the premier voice in sustainability leadership, host of the award-winning This Sustainable Life podcast, four-time TEDx speaker, bestselling author of Initiative and Leadership Step by Step, professor at NYU, and leadership coach.
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