World Burpee Day

October 12, 2018 by Joshua
in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Visualization

It turns out some people or advertisers decided to make October 12 World Burpee Day.

Given my thing with burpees, I decided to play the game and post about it to see if my more than 110,000 burpees over 2,487 consecutive day wins me something.

I found a few articles with headlines suggesting people barely getting started:

After 15 days, only have 2,462 to go!

This article, “Need Workout Motivation? Here’s an All-Day Montage of People Doing Burpees,” shows a 24 hour long video with many people doing burpees. I only skimmed them and many are impressive. While my form could still use improvement, a lot people’s versions of push-ups consist of them peeling themselves off the ground than pushing.

To each his own, though. Easy burpees still work you more than most other exercises, and more than no exercise.

Anyway, for the contest I made a new version of my recent videos of my morning and evening routines with some statistics pasted in front:

I’ll let you know if I win.

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