Year 14, day 2 posting here daily
Since my friend’s fateful words when he set up my blog here when I asked, how often do you post and he said:
Every day. If you miss one day you can miss two. If you miss two it’s all over.
I’ve posted every day since January 22, 2011. It became my first sidcha and helped me establish the concept. It’s easier to write every day than to worry about trying to restart after stopping.
Here’s the list of all my posts if you’re new and want to start. Here are some of my favorites.
It’s led to two published books: Leadership Step by Step and Initiative, which get great reviews and are used by universities across the country (also two self-published books). More importantly they change lives.
The next book, on how to understand and solve all our environmental problems, will change American (and global) culture. Stay tuned.

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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees