Monthly Archives: August 2014

A friend my age, a married father of three, and his cancer

on August 17, 2014 in Nature

Read my post on “Thoughts on mourning” before continuing. If you don’t view death as I wrote about it there, you may want to skip today’s post. It’s serious. It’s not about leadership. For me it’s about emotions in dire situations and personal growth. Others may view it as something morbid that they don’t want to read about. Both husband and wife in a married couple with three young children[…] Keep reading →

My plan to solve executive pay

on August 16, 2014 in Awareness, Education, Leadership

Executive pay in the U.S. is out of hand and everybody knows it. Wikipedia put it well Executive compensation in the United States differs from other employee compensation in the forms it takes, laws and regulation it is subject to, its dramatic rise over the past three decades and wide ranging criticism leveled against it. In the past three decades in America executive compensation or pay has risen dramatically beyond[…] Keep reading →

Why I chose to study science

on August 15, 2014 in Education, Nature

One of the main reasons I started thinking about physics was a college course I took called something like “Philosophy and Physics” by a Professor I liked a lot, David Albert. He’s still teaching courses on the philosophy of science. The course covered the challenges of understanding the results of quantum mechanics experiments which look nothing like regular life—double slit experiments and things like that. I loved the course. I[…] Keep reading →

People who say you think about it too much are telling you they willfully misunderstand you

on August 14, 2014 in Awareness, Nonjudgment

Do people say to you “You’re thinking about it too much,” or “You’re analyzing it too much,” or things like that? I usually tell them that to me ideas are like Lego pieces. I like turning them around, looking at them from different angles, seeing how I put them together with others, taking them apart and reassembling them, and so on. So to me when someone says I’m thinking about[…] Keep reading →

How inspiration feels

on August 13, 2014 in Leadership

My seminar, “How to lead people so they want you to lead them again,” and the General Assembly seminar coming up August 23, “Lead the way: Effective Leadership Techniques,” teach you how to inspire people. I talk about it in a work context, but the principles and techniques apply everywhere. I want to specify what I mean by inspiration because many people don’t get to feel that inspired. You can[…] Keep reading →

Crunch time strategy

on August 12, 2014 in Tips

You have too many tasks to do to keep track of and running out of time. What do you do? I hope you’ve developed a strategy not to lose your composure. Many people do. Here is my strategy. I don’t claim it’s the best strategy, but it keeps me calm and lets me finish things. I hope it works for you. First, I list my tasks. The tasks are never[…] Keep reading →

Problems with learning leadership skills only on the job

on August 11, 2014 in Education, Leadership

How many of the people in leadership positions over you do you think led well? Think of all the teachers, professors, coaches, Presidents, Congress-members, and so on. I’d bet no more than a few stand out as excellent. If your way to improve your leadership skills—presumably one of your best ways to get promoted, more responsibility, more pay, and so on—is to try to act like leaders you know, you[…] Keep reading →

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