Monthly Archives: August 2016

If you care about education, watch Whitney Tilson’s free movie

on August 17, 2016 in Education

I first met Whitney Tilson probably ten years ago. He was creating a slide show on education reform like Al Gore’s that became An Inconvenient Truth. I’ve subscribed to his mailing list since and emailed with him periodically. I finally watched the movie he made on his slide show, A Right Denied. He made it in 2010, so we’re late. If you care about education, especially K-12 education in the[…] Keep reading →

Over the past few days, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined… I have met people I would have never met, made new friends, and learned valuable life lessons.

on August 16, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

You know I teach entrepreneurial problem solving online and in-person, and that the course gets reviews, like This is one of the greatest classes I have ever taken. It was engaging, thought provoking, challenging, and fun. Josh is an incredible teacher, mentor, and friend to everyone in the class who is passionate about the subject matter. If I could take this class all over again, I would Earlier this summer[…] Keep reading →

Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science

on August 15, 2016 in, Leadership

My article today, “Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science,” begins Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science The world’s big problems come from our behavior. Science doesn’t change behavior. Leadership does. Another week of hot, humid summer weather (sorry Australia) means more freezing offices where I have to bundle up. Might as well learn a lesson from it in the differences between science, engineering,[…] Keep reading →

The danger of letting your starting point become your goals

on August 14, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness

The words of A Nation At Risk, a U.S. education policy document from 1983 have stuck with me through the years: we find that for too many people education means doing the minimum work necessary for the moment, then coasting through life on what may have been learned in its first quarter. But this should not surprise us because we tend to express our educational standards and expectations largely in[…] Keep reading →

Quora Saturday: effective leadership, spontaneity, introversion, high performance, Stanford, Harvard, and Columbia

on August 13, 2016 in Quora

Continuing my Saturday series on posting my answers to questions from Quora, here are my next questions answered: What makes an effective leader? How can I be more spontaneous? How can I use my introversion as a business leader? What books or articles describe the high performance leadership framework (as taught at Stanford)? Should I feel bad about getting rejected from Harvard/Stanford/Columbia? Q: What makes an effective leader? A: Rather[…] Keep reading →

Surprises are for birthdays and competitors. Nothing else.

on August 12, 2016 in Relationships

I don’t like getting or giving surprises in relationships. The only exceptions are for birthday parties and the competition. Everyone else I try to prepare as early as I can. I do my best to foster relationships where people feel comfortable telling me things as early as they can, even if it would make me uncomfortable. I believe my courses teach these habits through teaching empathy, compassion, and self-awareness. I’ve[…] Keep reading →

Why “Entrepreneurial Problem Solving” instead of “Entrepreneurship”

on August 11, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

Why do I call my class “Entrepreneurial Problem Solving” or sometimes “Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behavior” instead of “Entrepreneurship”? Entrepreneurship means starting a company. It’s a subset of things you can do entrepreneurially. Solving a problem entrepreneurially means solving it without the resources at hand you need to finish it. Solving a problem non-entrepreneurially means you have the resources at hand to solve it. If Johnson & Johnson wants to introduce[…] Keep reading →

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