Search Results for: growthbusters

583: Growthbusters called me extreme, so I responded

on May 21, 2022 in Podcast

The notes I read from for this episode: Notes for Growthbusters comments I love the Growthbusters documentary and helped fund making it free online. I listen to every episode of the podcast. They know I love them and their message and I would only comment on them out of love and support. They quoted and commented on an email I sent them and have to comment back. They’ve hosted me[…] Keep reading →

583: Growthbusters called me extreme, so I responded

on May 21, 2022 in Blog

The notes I read from for this episode: Notes for Growthbusters comments I love the Growthbusters documentary and helped fund making it free online. I listen to every episode of the podcast. They know I love them and their message and I would only comment on them out of love and support. They quoted and commented on an email I sent them and have to comment back. They’ve hosted me[…] Keep reading →

“Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints” and “Shrinking Your Travel Footprint”, hear me on 2 Growthbusters episodes

on January 1, 2021 in Audio, Nature, Podcast

One of the few podcasts I listen to every episodes of is Growthbusters. Hosts Dave and Erika invited me for third and fourth appearances, which went live the other day. I list Dave as one of my environmental role models. Here are past times I’ve mentioned him or Growthbusters in my blog. The Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints Show notes We set out to make this the second of a series[…] Keep reading →

Watch Growthbusters free this weekend–tackling the taboo at the root of it all

on November 27, 2020 in Nature

What almost no one talks about but that everyone can do something about, the greatest taboo of our time, yet the greatest issue driving covid-19, driving all pandemics, driving global warming, driving plastics, mercury, dioxin, and all other pollutants, driving the 2008 recession, driving the coming recession (or depression), driving more plastic in the ocean than fish, driving there being no place to vacation not overrun with people, driving people[…] Keep reading →

“The Value and Joy of Individual Action”: Hear me on the Growthbusters podcast

on May 11, 2020 in Audio, Nature

One of the few podcasts I listen to every episodes of is Growthbusters. Hosts Dave and Erika invited me for a second appearance, which went live today, The Value and Joy of Individual Action. I list Dave as one of my environmental role models. My first Growthbusters appearance Here is my first appearance on Growthbusters: Changing the World Starts at Home. The Growthbusters movie I recently posted about the Growthbusters[…] Keep reading →

Our greatest taboo is the greatest issue of our time: Watch Growthbusters free (for limited time)

on April 24, 2020 in Nature

What almost no one talks about but that everyone can do something about, the greatest taboo of our time, yet the greatest issue behind covid-19, behind all pandemics, behind global warming, behind plastics, mercury, dioxin, and all other pollutants, behind the 2008 recession, behind the coming recession (or depression), behind more plastic in the ocean than fish, behind there being no place to vacation not overrun with people, behind people[…] Keep reading →

Changing the World Starts at Home: Hear Me on Growthbusters

on November 20, 2017 in Audio, Nature

Dave Gardner lived a successful mainstream corporate life, but then started looking at the world around him and seeing problems mainstream society is missing. After scratching the surface, you can’t help but find our drive for growth—usually enumerated through GDP and population—at the root. Dave created a documentary, Growthbusters, questioning growth. He’s asking the critical questions of our time that nearly everyone is ignoring, leading them to miss important issues[…] Keep reading →

783: Jan Mulder, part 1: Listening to every episode of this podcast, starting from episode 000

on October 9, 2024 in Podcast

Jan is a listener of this podcast who contacted me about how it changed his life. He is listening to each episode, starting from the beginning. I invited him to be a guest and he accepted. We’ve also crossed paths through working with podcast guest Dave Gardner, and his work in Growthbusters and running for President of the United States. Jan is Dutch, living in Germany, so can’t vote in[…] Keep reading →

783: Jan Mulder, part 1: Listening to every episode of this podcast, starting from episode 000

on October 9, 2024 in Podcast

Jan is a listener of this podcast who contacted me about how it changed his life. He is listening to each episode, starting from the beginning. I invited him to be a guest and he accepted. We’ve also crossed paths through working with podcast guest Dave Gardner, and his work in Growthbusters and running for President of the United States. Jan is Dutch, living in Germany, so can’t vote in[…] Keep reading →

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