Category Archives: Blog

Burpees — the Two Year Review!

on December 21, 2013 in Blog, Fitness

[This post is part of a series on my daily exercise and starting and keeping challenging habits. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Today marks two years of daily burpees! Challenging healthy daily habits If you want a stable foundation on which to build a life of health, resilience,[…] Keep reading →

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on John Wooden — one of the best basketball players on one of the best coaches

on December 20, 2013 in Blog, Education, Fitness, Leadership

You can learn a lot about leadership from what great leaders say about people who led them. I’ll show a video of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on his college coach, John Wooden, and then describe how it teaches a lot about leadership — specifically motivating others. First a few words on each. Who are Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and John Wooden? Abdul-Jabbar ranks among the best basketball players (and athletes of any sport) ever.[…] Keep reading →

A simple practice to free your mind so you can focus

on December 19, 2013 in Blog, Freedom, Tips

Do you ever think about a message you’ve sent and wonder when you’ll get a response, if you should follow up, and get stuck not knowing if you should respond now, while you’re thinking about it, or later, but risk forgetting about it? When your mind is occupied like this you lose mental freedom. Often you can’t stop your mind from dwelling on things like this — important but that[…] Keep reading →

The Method — the series

on December 18, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Freedom, Leadership

I posted The Method on how to use The Model — my model for the human emotional system designed for use in leadership, self-awareness, and general purpose professional and personal development — in series form. Here is a link to it. I find the Model and Method the most effective and valuable foundation for understanding yourself and others and improving your life. The Model tells you how we work. The[…] Keep reading →

The Model — the series

on December 17, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Leadership

I posted The Model — my model for the human emotional system designed for use in leadership, self-awareness, and general purpose professional and personal development — in series form. Here is the link to it. I find this Model the most effective and valuable foundation for understanding yourself and others and improving your life. Why? A model’s value comes not from its accuracy but how well it serves its purpose,[…] Keep reading →

Hate a job you can’t leave? Improve it.

on December 16, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

“I don’t like my job and I have to get a new one.” Probably more than half my coaching clients say something like this, followed by “Please help me.” A recent session with a client who started that way reinforced my standard approach, as I’ll describe. The client I spoke to the other day so disliked his job he was ready to drive across the country to a city he’d[…] Keep reading →

The Joshua Spodek podcast interview on Developed Life

on December 15, 2013 in Audio, Blog

A friend I met in North Korea is starting a site called Developed Life, a site that explores the next level of ideas in life, society, and business. He interviewed me in a podcast. Please click here, download, and listen to the podcast. He mostly interviewed me about my book, ReModel (paperback version here), which you should download and read too.

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