Category Archives: Creativity

The cover for my new book, Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work)

on May 9, 2019 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

Yesterday I shared the blurbs from early reviewers of my book, Initiative, set to launch May 21. Today, I’m sharing the front and back covers. I’d love your thoughts. Naturally, I want them to intrigue and attract non-readers. The front cover’s image refers to the book’s content but, I believe, stands on its own nonetheless. Reading the book will imbue the cover image with newfound meaning. Here’s the front. Initiative‘s[…] Keep reading →

The blurbs for Initiative, my new book

on May 8, 2019 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

My new book, Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work), is going to press, on time for a May 21 release. In the meantime, I’ll share excerpts and inside views. Today I bring you the blurbs. I don’t know about you, but they make me want to read it. Email me if interested in reviewing it before its release to post reviews so others know[…] Keep reading →

My favorite music videos

on April 19, 2019 in Art, Creativity

Not like I’ve kept track of music videos and it’s not my usual topic, but I wrote my favorite four a while ago and here they are. Chemical Brothers Star Guitar Fatboy Slim Weapon of Choice Wax Southern California Kanye West Power Actually, a friend showed me an unedited version of the Kanye West song, maybe a director’s cut. I couldn’t find that version online, so I’m using this version[…] Keep reading →

Writing hurts

on November 27, 2018 in Art, Creativity

Writers say “writing is easy. You only have to sit at the typewriter and bleed.” They’re talking about sharing vulnerability, I believe. It also hurts physically. I just sent my editor my third draft of my second non-self-published book. Writing takes enough effort at home. Traveling makes it that much harder. In any case, my butt hurts from sitting so long. My eyes are red from watching the screen so[…] Keep reading →

Why Every Parent Should Watch This Movie

on November 21, 2018 in Creativity, Education,, Leadership

Have you noticed how many of today’s most successful people chose to leave our educational system–Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Erin Brockovich, Elon Musk, Sean Combs, Lauren Hill, Michael Dell, Whoopi Goldberg, Larry Page, and Sergei Brin, to name a few. Ever wonder why people who chose to leave mainstream education became so successful? Why did breaking the once-standard advice “stay in school” not work[…] Keep reading →

“Punch A Nazi”? You couldn’t help them more.

on October 13, 2018 in Creativity, Leadership, Nonjudgment

There’s a phrase out there “Punch a Nazi.” Here’s a video of someone acting on it. What effect do you think it has on people who agree with the guy being punched? Or people attracted by his message? I submit that punching the guy overall advanced his cause. When I search “Punch a Nazi,” the top results ask the ethics and morality of doing it. Talk about ethics, morality, and[…] Keep reading →

My sixth open-mic stand-up comedy performance

on August 22, 2018 in Art, Creativity

At this past weekend’s performance a couple developments. The first is that I no longer feel like a beginner. I’m far from mastery, but I’m not sweating just to go on stage, nor struggling to work up the nerve to write, nor wondering what to work on. You learn fast when everything is new, though it’s hardest then. I’m still at the stage of learning fast since I have so[…] Keep reading →

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