Category Archives: Events

Attend the Second Annual Leadership and the Environment Panel, October 15

on September 28, 2019 in Events, Nature, Podcast

In New York City, Tuesday, October 15, The Leadership and the Environment, with the Columbia Business School Alumni Club, will host our second annual panel Beyond Talk and Management: How to Become an Environmental Leader. We’re featuring stellar leaders, including a Nobel Peace Prize, President of the Rainforest Alliance, and the person responsible for the largest B-Corp yet. Click to register. Beyond Talk and Management: How to Become an Environmental[…] Keep reading →

TEDx talk #2! . . . three chances to see it live

on September 12, 2019 in Events, Leadership, Nature

EDIT (11/7/19): The posted the talk: Now back to my original post: Hello all, I’m pleased to announce my second TEDx talk: TEDxWaltham! This TEDx theme is Going Places. I proposed speaking on not flying and they went for it. It’s really about joy, but I’m sworn to secrecy beyond that. I’m enthusiastic to go in a contrarian direction. Who knows, maybe karma I created helped lead to Greta sailing[…] Keep reading →

See me speak on Initiative at the New York Public Library, THIS THURSDAY

on July 9, 2019 in Education, Events

In two days I’m speaking at the Science, Industry, and Business Library branch of the New York Public Library on my book, Initiative. The logistics: 6pm to 7:30pm 188 Madison Avenue (34th St and Madison Ave) Conference room 018 Here’s the event description from the official announcement: Want a proven method to bring your passions to life and work? Look no more.   People everywhere in all walks of life[…] Keep reading →

See me speak on Initiative at the New York Public Library, July 11

on June 29, 2019 in Education, Events

I’m speaking at the Science, Industry, and Business Library branch of the New York Public Library on my book, Initiative. The logistics: 6pm to 7:30pm 188 Madison Avenue (34th St and Madison Ave) Conference room 018 Here’s the event description from the official announcement: Want a proven method to bring your passions to life and work? Look no more.   People everywhere in all walks of life feel stuck in[…] Keep reading →

Tomorrow, April 10, see a live Leadership and the Environment recording of the former President of the Rainforest Alliance

on April 9, 2019 in Audio, Events, Podcast

Tomorrow, April 10 at 7pm, I’m interviewing Tensie Whelan, Director of the NYU Stern School of Business’s Center for Sustainable Business and former President of the Rainforest Alliance, in a live recording of the Leadership and the Environment podcast. If you like business, sustainability, or amazing people, you’ll love the event. Register at: Registration Password: EnvironmentalLeadership APRIL 10, 2019 Leadership and the Environment:  A Live Podcast Recording with Joshua Spodek & Tensie[…] Keep reading →

A curious, annoying observation on asking advice for a TEDx talk

on April 5, 2019 in Education, Events

Preparing for tomorrow’s TEDxNYU talk led me to a curious observation. Everyone I asked for advice gave useful advice, but no two people’s advice was completely consistent with anyone else’s. That is, every person’s advice conflicted with everyone else’s in some way. I finished each advice session with each person thinking, “I got some useful advice. I’m going to use it.” Then each next session began with me thinking, “darn,[…] Keep reading →

See my TEDx talk live, this Saturday, April 6!

on March 30, 2019 in Education, Events, Leadership, Stories

You know you’ve wanted to see a TED talk live. Now’s your chance. Cancel your old plans for next weekend. [NOTE: I will post the video of my talk here when the organizers finish editing and post it. They estimated 6 to 12 weeks from April 6 — that is, likely late May or June.] See me and six other brilliant, engaging speakers this Saturday, April 6 at TEDxNYU—the intersection[…] Keep reading →

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