Category Archives: Today: Why You Should Never Let Anyone Call You ‘Smart’ in Business

on January 27, 2016 in Awareness, Entrepreneurship,, Leadership, Perception, Relationships, Stories

My post today on, “Why You Should Never Let Anyone Call You ‘Smart’ in Business” begins: Intelligence is good so entrepreneurs should like being called smart, right? Wrong. People call you smart when you have nothing they care about more. Look at who doesn’t care if you’re smart in business: Customers value products and services that solve their problems. Employees want to pay their rent and enjoy their jobs.[…] Keep reading →

How Inc. Magazine improved overnight

on January 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship,, SIDCHAs

Inc. Magazine, in its own words: For 35 years, we’ve been the premier publication dedicated to entrepreneurs—the most innovative, most courageous, and most essential business leaders in America. In that time, Inc. has won widespread recognition for maintaining the highest editorial standards as we’ve documented that world. How did it improve overnight? They hired me as their latest columnist! Today marks my first piece, “How I Wish Business School Had[…] Keep reading →

Business plan competitions undermine entrepreneurship

on October 29, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship,

Years ago no schools taught entrepreneurship. Some enterprising people had the idea to create business plan competitions to motivate entrepreneurially-minded people to create business plans. I applaud their idea and its implementation at the time. Business plan competitions filled a gap in academia by promoting action and learning by doing. That was generations ago. The academic gap no longer exists. Today business plan competitions are an academic distraction from business[…] Keep reading →

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