Category Archives: Leadership

My emotional job as a leader in sustainability

on May 23, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

I keep in touch with Olympic gold medalist, Extinction Rebellion activist and guest on my podcast, Etienne Stott MBE. I think I can say we’re becoming friends despite not having met in person yet. England is a long way to sail and neither of us wants to pollute much. He shared some stories about his activism: BBC: Extinction Rebellion: Six arrested after Olympians scale oil tanker: “Six people have been[…] Keep reading →

Transitions in the path to acting sustainably

on April 22, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

I’ve noticed people go through a few transitions as they start acting sustainably. I haven’t catalogued them all, but a few: From expecting acting sustainably means deprivation and sacrifice to expecting it bring rewarding emotions. Before this transition, you don’t want to start trying. You may feel obliged or shamed into acting, but you resent it. The AIM/Spodek Method that I teach and coach starts this transition. From thinking your[…] Keep reading →

“It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

on April 20, 2022 in Audio, Freedom, Leadership

Today, April 20, in 1964, Nelson Mandela, on trial for sabotage with about a dozen other men, for which they would be found guilty, instead of a defense, spoke for almost four hours, closing with the words entitling this post. Here is the full text he read from. I recommend taking a moment today to review the story. Here is one video among many others and the Rivonia Trial Wikipedia[…] Keep reading →

A New Record in Clean Living: Over 6.5 Months With the Fridge Unplugged

on April 17, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

I’m continuing living clean from my addictions to polluting behaviors. Last year I kept my fridge unplugged for six and a half months. If unplugging the fridge sounds weird or stupid, check out my post on why I would and what I got out of it: 12 Sustainability Leadership Lessons Unplugging My Fridge for 6.5 Months Taught Me. Also consider that much of the world lives without a fridge, many[…] Keep reading →

566: The CEO of Ford and Boeing, Alan Mulally: Leadership environmentalism should learn from

on April 3, 2022 in Leadership, Podcast

“What I do doesn’t matter,” say many environmentalists as they order steak or buy tickets to fly some place. That’s the addiction speaking. I recently heard Alan Mulally speak on how he led turning Ford around from losing tens of billions of dollars to number one in many categories creating joy, teamwork, and fun despite challenging work. Before being CEO of Ford, he led Boeing, among the two greatest promoters[…] Keep reading →

How We Reached Our Environmental Predicament so We Can Take Responsibility

on April 2, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

The situation: More people than ever are living healthy, happy lives yet Pollution and garbage are growing and accelerating Predictions suggest our waste is going to cause nearly everyone on Earth to suffer including many dying and, here’s the big confounding issue We can’t stop ourselves. With rare exception, everyone I know and even know of knows they are polluting, hurting people by it, so potentially contributing to the greatest[…] Keep reading →

Am I in an African-American / African-Diaspora dominated field?

on March 27, 2022 in Freedom, Leadership

When I list the people I think would benefit from my podcast and could use it to influence most, I think of the people with the greatest potential to lead the most number of Americans. The names roll off my tongue from mentioning them so many times and from trying to think of who would add the most value: Oprah, LeBron, Serena. Do I need to mention their last names?[…] Keep reading →

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