Category Archives: Nature

Spring 2023 pictures of my sledding hill

on May 20, 2023 in Nature

I visited Philadelphia this weekend and took spring pictures of my sledding hill in a light drizzle. I recommend scrolling through the slide show, clicking on the arrow, since it’s like an animation. I took a picture, walked a few yards, took the next picture, and so on. Scroll down for the images laid out and the video of my TEDx talk that refers to it. I hope you don’t[…] Keep reading →

How can you oppose imperialism and live unsustainably?

on May 19, 2023 in Nature

I wrote about how polluting and depleting come from imperialism. Polluting means dumping your stuff on other places. You don’t want your car exhaust, jet exhaust, and disposable diapers in your home, right? It ends up in someone’s. Depleting means taking from others’ homes too. You don’t get your gasoline from your back yard. Yet every person I know or know of who imposes imperialism and its usual results of[…] Keep reading →

How sustainability couldn’t be simpler

on May 17, 2023 in Addiction, Nature

The longer and more I reduce my polluting, depleting activities, the simpler sustainability becomes. I guess that clarity comes with overcoming most addictions: If you do something that kills people and you don’t want to kill people, you have to stop doing it, even if you like it, even if everyone around you is doing it. How much simpler can it get? When you stop, you gain the credibility, character,[…] Keep reading →

Why doesn’t anyone, even environmentalists, propose actually living sustainably?

on May 16, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

Have you heard anyone propose as a solution to our environmental problems actually living sustainably? I haven’t. It would work—that is, if everyone lived sustainably, humanity collectively would live sustainably. By contrast, if no one lived sustainably, such as we are now, how can we collectively live sustainably? We can’t. We can’t all live unsustainably, yet somehow magically collectively live sustainably. Why not try it? Why doesn’t anyone try it?[…] Keep reading →

One of my core messages in one minute

on May 10, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

Jim Harshaw and his team pulled this core message from my conversation with him. I thought it deserved its own post. I’d describe it but it’s under sixty seconds and speaks for itself.

April 2023: Another month of zero kwh. Next month makes one year.

on May 9, 2023 in Nature

More zero kilowatt hours. The next month will hit one year. With the longer days, I’m also cutting back on plugging in at work, where I only plugged in twice in the past two months.

A response to “more people means more problem-solvers so we should grow the population.”

on May 5, 2023 in Nature

I’ve heard a lot of people promote population growth by saying that more people means more people to solve problems so we should keep growing the population. There’s no end to that logic. That is, no matter how many people are alive, that logic suggests more people is better. They respond to problems of running out of space, energy, and other things that seem constrained in various ways, but I[…] Keep reading →

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