Category Archives: Nature

Another zero kilowatt-hour month: May 2023

on June 8, 2023 in Nature

You can do it too. Have you tried?

If your pollution causes extreme weather, you’re extreme, not me.

on June 7, 2023 in Nature, Nonjudgment, Visualization

There’s no mystery what causes more forest fires than ever: our polluting, depleting behavior causing global warming. If your behavior causes fires like humanity has never seen before, you are extreme for causing extreme results, not me for behaving traditionally. Not flying is normal. Jesus didn’t fly. George Washington didn’t fly. Abraham Lincoln didn’t fly. Power grids are not normal. The Buddha never plugged into an electric grid, nor did[…] Keep reading →

Research: Most people care about climate but think they’re doing more than others. *sigh*

on May 29, 2023 in Nature

Friend and podcast guest Chase pointed out a couple headlines that may not spell doom, but don’t portend well for sustainability. Both are from a site that compiles interesting science news, Science Direct. I’ll post only the headlines, but you can click to read the whole articles. Do you see the problem in the following? Most people feel ‘psychologically close’ to climate change and The majority consider themselves more environmentally[…] Keep reading →

Year Two With the Circuit Open Between My Apartment and the Electric Grid

on May 24, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

Everyone talks about how hard transitioning to living sustainably is. They haven’t tried it—that is, seriously changing culture, not just trying to avoid straws. Yes, by practicing with easier things like avoiding packaged food, I prepared myself somewhat, but no way could I have predicted I could live for over a year with my apartment disconnected from the grid. Why couldn’t I have predicted it? Because I believed the lies[…] Keep reading →

Eight billion people behaving unsustainably will never become sustainable.

on May 23, 2023 in Nature

Do you know anyone living sustainably? I don’t. A few hundred thousand, maybe a few million, in indigenous cultures may still be living sustainably, as nearly everyone did before a couple centuries ago or so. They’re a rounding error, sadly. You can say individual action doesn’t matter, but 1) it does and 2) all of us have to start living sustainably. Why do people think everyone can live unsustainably and[…] Keep reading →

Love and marriage don’t cause pollution. Stop using them as excuses.

on May 22, 2023 in Models, Nature, Relationships

How many times have I heard about polluting and depleting less, “You can do those things because you’re single.”? I know when people rationalize and justify their inaction, say by saying it’s easier for me or particularly harder for them, they aren’t speaking rationally. They’re protecting their vulnerabilities, suppressing and denying that they are hurting others, acting against their deepest values. Still, it seems worth it to list a few[…] Keep reading →

Day 365* unplugged

on May 21, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

The electric grid here pollutes and depletes with every form of power it uses: nuclear, wind, solar, coal, gas, hydro, and everything else. Polluting and depleting kills people and causes unnecessary suffering. I don’t want to pay for and otherwise cause killing and unnecessary suffering. Last year, on May 22, I unplugged everything in my apartment that drew power from the grid. My goal was to remain disconnected for one[…] Keep reading →

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