Category Archives: NorthKorea

In North Korea, many people just sit by the roadside with nothing to do

on July 15, 2012 in NorthKorea

Many times daily in North Korea you see someone crouching doing nothing but passing time. Usually they’re alone, but sometimes in a group. I kept meaning to take pictures, but it feels funny to take a picture of someone doing nothing. I found the two below on the web. As best you can tell they’ve been squatting all day and will be for a while longer. They’ll be in a[…] Keep reading →

More North Korea posts to come

on July 12, 2012 in NorthKorea

I’ve been meaning to write more about my April 2012 North Korea trip. I took tons of video, pictures, and notes there, but have been trapped behind China’s censoring of YouTube and I wanted to start by showing video. Well, you’ll have to wait to see the video, but I’ll start posting some text and pictures. I’m writing this post partly to sink my ships and force myself to write[…] Keep reading →

Frederick Douglass on the Fourth of July

on July 4, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, NorthKorea

As I consider the U.S. Declaration of Independence perhaps the founding concepts of the country I was born in and lived most of my life, I celebrate our Independence Day by reading at least one relevant historical work. Having visited Vietnam and North Korea since last July 4th, I’ve had pause to think about what freedom means to America and some things of what America is doing to freedom. Vietnam’s[…] Keep reading →

Ultimate in Shanghai!

on July 3, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Nature, NorthKorea

I played ultimate in Shanghai for the first time Monday and Saturday since the tournament in August in North Korea (in particular getting the end zone D and catching the goal to win the game), which was the first time in something like five years. Wow, nothing compares to playing ultimate. Even with probably 90 degree temperatures and high humidity, running around, throwing, and catching was awesome. It’s like what[…] Keep reading →

Spending less improves your life

on June 30, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea, Tips

Preface: I started writing this blog about how cutting personal costs (of any resource, including time, money, energy, attention, etc) improves your personal life. Rereading it I realized it overlapped so much with what leaders can do in business, I’ll tag it leadership too. Translating the post into business-speak I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader. You can probably do it on the fly. People who know me in[…] Keep reading →

Explaining China’s support for North Korea

on June 25, 2012 in NorthKorea

I’ve had trouble explaining China’s fortitude in supporting North Korea. A recent article by the former U.S. Ambassador to China, J. Stapleton Roy, explained it for me. His article also stressed that people and nations are behaving rationally in the region, however self-contradictory and irrational they may seem to those who don’t understand their perspectives and motivations. I figured China supported North Korea in the Korean War mainly to keep[…] Keep reading →

A Korean-American friend’s article about visiting North Korea

on June 7, 2012 in NorthKorea

A friend who contacted me about my visiting North Korea wrote an article about visiting North Korea. He traveled extensively, spoke Korean, and ate meat, so he had a chance to experience something different and communicate more. It’s hard for me not to notice how experiencing North Korea differed from his expectations, which led him to understand more about his culture — mainly the press (perhaps the government). Also that[…] Keep reading →

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