Category Archives: NorthKorea

Power, leadership, lawlessness, justice, and amnesty

on August 24, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

I’m going to present an over-simplified case related to issues many of us face in much smaller contexts. The goal is to learn from simple hypothetical cases to build experience for more complex, real-life cases. Normally I separate my North Korea posts from leadership ones, but they overlap here, along with my being in China now. One of the greater challenges the world faces is how to bring some kind[…] Keep reading →

Kim Il Sung Square, the day before his birthday celebration

on August 11, 2012 in NorthKorea

Kim Il Sung Square hosts the big rallies with the soldiers marching in huge numbers past whichever great leader is in power. We visited the day before the big hundredth anniversary of Kim Il Sung’s birth. The day was cool and foggy. We had one of the most amazing experiences of our lives. See all those groups of people in the second picture? I’m not sure why they were there[…] Keep reading →

An old building in North Korea

on August 10, 2012 in Art, NorthKorea

I believe a king lived here and that the building dates from around 1400, but I don’t remember. Still, it’s one of the few historical buildings they have or architectural references to a leadership other than the Kims. Sorry I don’t remember the details (perhaps a reader who knows can remind me), but you start tuning out the guides and the stories glorifying the Kims and their regime sometimes, even[…] Keep reading →

North Korean monuments, part 2

on August 10, 2012 in NorthKorea

More images of North Korean monuments… I think this sphere and orbit building was part of a technology museum on the road to and from the airport. We didn’t enter it though we went near it. I suspect it’s not in active uses. We saw this church, one of the few religious things outside of the government’s state sponsored religion. I don’t know if it has active serviced or is[…] Keep reading →

North Korean monuments, part 1

on August 8, 2012 in NorthKorea

North Korea likes to do things big and nationalistic. Here are some images of their bigger monuments. Above is the (in)famous Ryugyong non-Hotel, started in 1987 for completion in 1989 but never finished. When the Soviet Union collapsed, North Korea had insufficient resources to finish the building, which was costing 2% of the country’s GDP at the time. I’ve read that using too-low-quality concrete and crooked elevator shafts make the[…] Keep reading →

More on North Korea’s art

on August 7, 2012 in Art, Creativity, Education, NorthKorea

From my notes while I was there in April: North Korean performance art: technical perfection while appearing effortless … emote wonder and hokey joy … layer it on … add difficulty. Zero subtlety. That just about describes it. I also noted the following. Something tells me that the technical perfection in North Korean arts reflects middling ability in its leadership to prove its self-worth. Maybe I extrapolated too far, but[…] Keep reading →

North Korean children’s nearly unbelievable performances

on August 4, 2012 in Art, Creativity, Education, NorthKorea

The pictures below don’t even approach showing the almost unbelievable performance ability of North Korean children. Joseph’s pictures showcase their talent better. But no images can show the professionalism, dedication, and raw talent these kids have. The pictures below are from the Children’s Palace, which trains children to perform and create art and puts on incredible performances. After their performance last time, my travel groupmate who was starting a school[…] Keep reading →

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